Thursday, December 23, 2021

Essay on consumer rights

Essay on consumer rights

Internal Market Is Unfair It explicitly obliges Member States to provide enforcement facilities in the interest of consumers who initiate legal proceedings against unfair businesses. There are no fixed set of rights that we have declared human rights, they are evolved over […]. Consumers get exploited in the market. There are no legal formalities for filing the complaint. Essays Related to Consumer Rights 1, essay on consumer rights. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Right to Consumer Education.

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Before giving answer to both questions first of all we must know what product involvement and purchase involvement. Opioid epidermis or crises is defined as rapid increase of using opioid drugs. The opioid drugs can be prescript or not. Those responsible with prescribing usage of these painkillers are pharmaceutical man and woman. As a result of increased use and addiction of these opioid drugs, have raised questions on who should be responsible for […]. In inelastic good market, change in price does not cause any change in the consumption, for elastic goods changes in prices trigger great changes in the consumption patterns.

An imposition of exercise tax by the government increases the levels of prices for the target good. The change in the quantity supplied and demanded depends on […]. Consolidation in the health care providers has been increasing significantly over time. This has affected the provision of health care services to the people. It is noted that health care systems are undergoing the consolidation primarily because they are driven by the regulatory factors, technological innovations, financial pressures and the market dynamics. Other players in […]. National Basketball Association NBA is one of the topmost basketball leagues in North America. It outlines six issues that entail the rights of every consumer — right to safety, right to information, right to choose, right to be heard, right to redressal and right to consumer education.

The consumer also has a right to know every detail of a product, which can include the true cost, the quality, the expiration date and any possible negative consequences. The consumer should also be given the right to choose a product among a variety of goods and services that are available at competitive prices. Monopoly of a product or collusion being left with no choice but to buy the available product at the given pricing. A consumer who undergoes any form of loss due to the usage of a product can file a complaint in special courts that protect consumer rights. Generally, advertisements do not give all the information that a consumer needs t know or wants to know about a product.

We need it so we will not be misled by producers, it explains if what we buy is worth tour money and not harmful to us and to the environment. Proper labeling, full information, health warnings, handling information, expiration date, etc. It is also illegal for a supplier to cut off, or threaten to cut off, supply to our seller wholesale or retail because they have been discounting goods or advertising discounts below prices set by the supplier. Some of the common methods of exploitation are: Underweight and under measurements —not measured or weighed correctly Substandard Quality —defective home appliances and medicines beyond expirydate High prices—charging above the retail price Duplicate Articles—selling fake items in the name of the original Adulteration and Impurity—is done to get higher profits Lack of safety Devices— the absence of inbuilt safeguards in appliances Artificial Scarcity—hoarding and black marketing False and Incomplete Information—misleading information on quality, durability, and safety.

Unsatisfactory after sales Service— high-cost items like electronics and cars require constant and regular service. Rough behavior and Undue conditions—harassment in getting LPG connection or a telephone connection. Factors causing exploitation of Consumers. Limited Information—providing full and correct information will help in the choice Limited Supplies—when goods and services are in short supply then price shoots up Limited Competition. Low Literacy. Hence Consumer Awareness is essential The rise of Consumer Awareness Kautilya was one of the earliest to write in his Arthashastra about the need for Consumer awareness and protection. With the growth of the private sector, there is a greater need for discipline and regulation of the market.

Consumers must be aware of the sale and purchase of goods, the health and security aspects also. Ensuring the safety of food items sold in the market is essential these days. Legal measures for consumer safety and consumer awareness must be uniform, and transparent in terms of prices, quality of goods, and stocks. Consumers must have the tools to combat malpractices and protect their rights. Rights and Duties of Consumers As codified under the Indian Laws the Consumers have the following Rights Right to Safety—to protect against hazardous goods Right to be Informed—about price, quality, purity Right to Choose—access to a variety of goods and services at competitive prices. Right to be Heard—consumers interest and welfare must be taken care of Right to seek Redressal—protection against unfair trade practices and settling genuine grievances.

Right to Consumer Education. Duties Get a bill for every important purchase and also the Warranty card Check the ISI mark or Agmark on the goods Form consumer awareness groups Make a complaint about genuine grievances. Consumers must know to exercise their rights. Consumer protection Measure Legislation concerning Consumer Rights. The Consumer Protection Act provides for consumer disputes redressal at the state and national level. With the help of this law, the agencies can solve grievances in a speedy, simple and inexpensive manner. A separate department of consumer affairs was set up at the state and central government.

A three-tier system of consumer courts at the National, State, and District levels were set up. These agencies have done good work by handling lakhs of cases. Public Distribution System To protect the poor from price rise and black marketing the government food security to the poor by supplying essentials through the ration or Fair price shops. Standardization of Products These are done to assure the quality of products. The ISI stamp on goods is placed by the Bureau of Indian standards. This caters to industrial and consumer goods. These goods can be trusted to conform to specific standards. Agmark is meant for Agricultural products. At the International level, the International Organization for Standardization ISO located in Geneva sets common standards.

The FAO and WHO provide food standards. Legal formalities for filing a complaint The complaint can be written on plain paper. The supporting documents like the warranty card must be attached. A lawyer is not required. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Want us to write one just for you? We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience.

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