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Compassion essays

Compassion essays

References Flood, G. html "Compassion Fatigue. At the time of the incident, supervisors were requested to schedule workers on rotating shifts with adequate time off for rest and stress…. The Acts of Compassion and the Motives Behind Them in on Compassion, an Essay by Barbara Lazear Ascher Essay. According to Jim, "Entering into society again was very difficult, compassion essays. Ethics for the New Millennium Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper compassion essays


Home — Essay Samples — Life — Compassion — Compassion — One of the Most Important Values. Any subject. Any type of essay. What I know and I have learned is we need to have compassion. Compassion makes everything fit in place, compassion essays. It makes a harmony of unity among the people making us one in reaching a peaceful world. The world now is so cruel. Leaders are unfair having two perspective of justice — the justice for the poor and the rich. But the leaders are not the only one who are cruel, the people are finding and screaming for a change but they, themselves, are cruel to each other, cruel to our Mother Nature. They continue to judge others and be ignorant, not respecting the ones who are disabled. We should not be harsh to each other.

Disabled people are the ones who are the most able, compassion essays. They are able to do amazing things some people are not expecting them to do. We should instead help them and be nice to them. It helps us to understand that everything has a reason and we should just help them ease the pain or at least be there with them through the pain. Compassion is not and should not be limited to our concern towards each other, compassion essays. Compassion is not only about how we care to our fellow human. Compassion is also about our nature and our country. Our nature needs our care. It needs us to protect and conserve it. Our nature needs our compassion towards her. We should not abuse the things our nature has to offer because at the end, we will be the one suffering the consequences of it.

Our motherland also needs our compassion. Every country needs the nationalism of each and every countrymen. It needs us so we can preserve our culture and the Filipino spirit will not be lost. A country needs its people for it to have a purpose. Also, compassion towards one country sparks compassion essays pride in terms of national achievements. The physical wound compassion essays the hidden emotional and mental wound of every people, the wound of our Mother Nature, and the wound of our motherland, compassion essays. If every one of us is compassionate enough, we can heal all of this. We can heal each other. We can heal everything. All we need is for us to see the love in everything.

What we need is kindness and faith for humanity. To summarize it up, the value that I will hold on for everyday throughout my life is compassion. We should be aware, we should understand the situation. That way, we can help the situation get better. There is always kindness in each compassion essays us. Let it grow and touch the heart of other people. Let there be a peace in our world. And the key is on ourselves. Let us be compassionate to everyone and everything. We still have hope for a peaceful world. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails.

This essay is not unique. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper, compassion essays. Want us to write one just for you? We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers, compassion essays. Get help with writing. Pssst… we can write an original essay just for you. Your time is important. Get essay help. Related Essays Compassion and Empathy in Compassion essays Essay.

The Acts of Compassion and the Motives Behind Them in on Compassion, an Essay by Barbara Lazear Ascher Essay. A Theme of Compassion in "Thank You, Ma'am" by Langston Hughes Essay. Compassion Can Change Our World Essay. The Role Of Compassion And Teamwork In A Medical Setting Essay. Compassion And Kindness In Our Daily Lives Essay. Compassion essays Power Of Compassion And Its Main Aspects Essay. Paradoxes of Compassion essays Culture of Humanitarianism Due To Compassionate Dimension of Society Essay. Showing Compassion In Health Care Setting Essay, compassion essays. Find Free Essays We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling.

Cite this Essay To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver Compassion — One of the Compassion essays Important Values, compassion essays. Compassion — One of the Most Important Compassion essays. Compassion — One of the Most Important Values [Internet]. Order Now. Please check your inbox. Order now, compassion essays. Related Topics Humanity Essays Gratitude Essays Hope Essays Ethical Dilemma Essays Virtue Ethics Essays. Hi there! Are you interested in getting a customized paper?

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Eventually, some compassionate individual steps in to defend the reputation of the old men. In "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" the older waiter takes the old man's side when the younger waiter casts aspersions on the old man's lack of sexual prowess -- because, it is implied that he also lives alone in similar depression and isolation. Frank the bartender tells the story of Blindy's final fight. This is essential given that even if they men believe their fates are 'just' in some fashion, they are haunted by incomplete business in…. I also support the rights of grandparents to see their grandchildren, regardless of the relationship that is held between the child's parents. It can be difficult for a mother or father who is clearly estranged from the other parent to allow his or her child to see that other parent's parents.

However, many times the grandparents have had nothing to do with the breakup of the family, and they have a good relationship with their grandchildren. Because of that, they should not be cut from the lives of their grandchildren just because the parents were not able to remain together. There can be extenuating circumstances, of course, but each case should be weighed on its own merits, instead of automatically cutting grandparents out of the lives of grandchildren and not providing them with any legal recourse for that when the parents of their grandchild decide not to remain together.

Ethics Leadership Analysis One of the biggest advantages of globalization is that many different companies are able to receive cheap labor to produce a wide variety of products that are sold at numerous retail stores in the United States. However, an ugly facet to what has been happening, is that there are a number of different sweat shops in a host of regions around the world and in some cases within the U. Evidence of this can be seen with an investigation that was conducted by the Department of Labor. They found that over half of the companies they were looking at, were breaking numerous labor laws by operating 10, of these kinds of facilities illegally inside the nation.

At the same time, they discovered that a variety of governments around the world were encouraging these kinds of factories. Elliot, In the case of Kathie Lee Gifford, her…. Bibliography Youth and Labor. Department of Labor. Santa's Little Sweat Shop. html Farrell, O. Business Ethics. Mason, OH: South Western. National Labor Committee. Children Found Sewing Clothes for Wal Mart. Harvard Law School. Galapagos The Dangers of a Self-Aware, Big, Human Brains in Galapagos Kurt Vonnegut is always concerned with humanity's satisfaction with itself. Many of Vonnegut's books center around how humans believe they are the most divine creations in the universe and act from that presumption as well.

The arrogance is crippling. This is a main theme in his novel, Galapagos. Yes, the end of the world may be an event that is out of humanity's control, but more than likely, humans are going to contribute to their own destruction and have no one to blame but themselves. He values humility, compassion, and what it is to be humane, to have humane thoughts, and perform humane actions. Kurt Vonnegut writes to tell us that if humans do not become less selfish and more selfless as a species, it will be their doom. This is true for the novel Galapagos.

People who lack…. References: Vonnegut, Kurt. If all people followed these teachings, many of the social evils in the society such as stealing from each other, killing, mugging, rape, revenge, jealousy, etc. Molloy, Therefore, religion is extremely important since it guides our day-to-day lives. eligion is also an important source of law as evidenced in sharia law and Canon law which is commonly used in the determination of cases and also in development of Public law. One important thing that should be kept in mind is that every person is different and that they give varying relevance to religion. The importance of religion can be evaluated in how a person lives their life. As always, the actions of the individual should be evaluated and not their words. As the old English adage goes, "actions speak louder than words.

The Importance of eligion: Meaning and Action in Our Strange World. New York,…. References Flood, G. The Importance of Religion: Meaning and Action in Our Strange World. Hyman, C. Definitions and Evaluation of Religion and Spirituality Items by Religious Professionals: A Pilot Study. Journal of Religion and Health, 45 2 , Iii, N. A Sinner among the Saints: Confessions of a Sociologist of Culture and Religion. Sociological Forum, 17 1 , Marks, L. Religion and Family Relational Health: An Overview and Conceptual Model. Journal of Religion and Health, 45 4 , Life and Death: The Life Support Dilemma by Kenneth E.

Schemmer M. D Kenneth Schemmer in his thorough, thought provoking book brings to life the controversial subject of the life support issue. For years, many all over the country have pondered, "What if a person were in some kind of an accident and the physicians told them that they were not going to make it? Or even worse case scenario what if they happened to end up completely brain dead? These debated questions are taken on by Dr. Schemmer in making his point that life support decisions may not necessarily be the decision of the family, the doctor or the patient but by a higher being that gives life and takes life.

Schemmer uses these controversial questions in his…. References: Court backs right to die terminally ill have right to refuse medical life support. The San Diego Union, pp. Ackerman, T. Houston Chronicle, pp. Allen, P. Right to die upheld despite new euro law, doctors can end life support rules judge. Daily Mail, pp. Dolan, M. Justices deal setback to right-to-die movement; health: State court bans removal of life support from conscious patients whose wishes are not clear. Los Angeles Times, pp. Their primary duty is that of guiding the spiritual and religious aspects of the lives of their community members.

They should give the highest priority to their duties towards the community including church service, counseling and other ceremonial functions required by their profession. As part of their professional and ethical duties, pastors are also required to show an interest in community development and increase their participation in community activities. This has become a necessity in modern culture because people expect institutions to take an interest and an active role in the community development efforts. Institutions cannot expect to benefit from the resources of the society and not give back. This is why business organizations, universities and even political parties make community development a part of their organization's commitment to the society and the people they serve.

eligious institutions like the church are also expected to follow this example. The pastor,…. References Arnold, W. Introduction to Pastoral Care. Westminster John Knox Press. Bush, J. Gentle Shepherding: Pastoral Ethics and Leadership. Chalice Press. Gula, R. Ethics in Pastoral Ministry. Paulist Press. Hewart-Mills, D. Pastoral Ministry. Xulon Press. There, I visited a children's hospital where all of the AIDS patients were under eight years old. When I asked how it was possible that such a large population of the afflicted were children, I was informed that their mothers were largely drug users and prostitutes. After the dissolution of communism, and the breakup of the Soviet Union, many persons were driven to desperate means to survive.

Society and the formerly state-controlled healthcare system that provided some minimal guarantees of protection care and counseled preventative strategies to prevent infection. All of these had all broken down simultaneously in the s. As if the plight of these children were not a great enough tragedy, the gifts and medical supplies brought to these unfortunate children had to be torn and opened so that they would not be stolen and sold by the staff to enrich themselves. This is a further example of…. Fallout A section of commentators have taken issue with the manner in which the federal government denied suspected terrorist the due process of law as stipulated under the constitution.

The government even commissioned the establishment of a torture chamber in Guantanamo Bay. This amounts to gross violation of human rights and civil liberties. There is another clause in the patriot act dubbed "enhanced surveillance procedures," which allows federal authorities to gather foreign intelligence by breaching firewalls of 'terrorist nations. A section of scholars argues that key players in the oil industry manipulated the United States to wage war against Afghanistan. According to an article published on the BBC World Service in December , the execution of Saddam Hussein was unwarranted. Political scientists reckon that a cartel of multinational oil companies wanted to control the oil in…. Van Bergen, J. Luca, B American foreign policy and global governance, in A.

Gobbicchi ed. Oxford University Press. Wishing to Pursue Graduate Study Dr. Paul Farmer of Partners in Health was asked in an interview if he knew at a young age what he wanted to do or if it was an idea that evolved over time. He replied: "You can…grow into what you want to do…grow into your aspirations. I have learned the importance of taking one step at a time and striving to excel in every stage before reaching for the next level. Like a rock climber, I have also learned to visualize my next handhold -- and picture myself achieving that goal even as I reach for it.

Despite some difficult life circumstances, I have been graced by my origins and my experiences as an immigrant. Included int these contacts are religious education, service projects, youth groups and in contacts that also "extend to include the congregations engagement with families, intergenerational engagement and broader community involvement through the congregations public leadership, service, and action on behalf of children, adolescents and others in society. Bibliography Giesenberg, A. Retrieved from: eprints. Fowler, J. Stages of faith: The psychology of human development and the quest for meaning.

Blackburn: Dove Communications. Gottlieb, E. Development of religious thinking. Religious Education, 2 , Roehlkepartain, EC The Handbook of Spiritual Development in Childhood and Adolescence. Loma Linda University are particularly attractive and meaningful to you and why you have chosen to apply for advanced education. I have been in search of an excellent academic program with top quality faculty that also suits my interests, aptitudes, and preferences in geographic locale. Loma Linda University meets all my needs. I grew up in Southern California, and wish to remain here during the course of my education because being close to family and friends is important to me. Loma Linda also supports a multicultural environment, and because I am of mixed heritage, I will feel most comfortable on this campus.

I speak English, Spanish, and Chinese and look forward to interacting both with other students as well as faculty members during the pursuit of my advanced degree in health sciences. In fact, it was Loma Linda's commitment to a robust health sciences department that become the primary reason…. The most striking difference of this painting is the extensive use of gold leaf. A matured use of shadow and detail can be seen in this tangka, indicating a later, more developed art form. It lacks the detail to symmetry found in the other two examples as well. This piece provides an excellent contrast to the earlier two Tangka that were examined. it's attention to shading, clear outlines, and accents in gold may indicate the Menris school of the s Tibetanartschool.

Conclusion Tangka paintings are an important part of Tibetian life. Many regional differences exist in the painting styles and techniques that are employed in the paintings. It might be noted that Tangkas in western Tibet take on a Chinese flavor. Tangkas of the religious nature are divided into three major portions. They are the top, middle and lower portions of the painting, representing the heaven, earth and underworld U-wayttours. References Asianart. Desire and Devotion: Art From India, Nepal, and Tibet in the John and Berthe Ford Collection.

Rumsey, D. Green Tara. An even more recent case of piracy, which occurred when a cruise ship was captured off the coast of Somalia, suggests the violence of piracy. Armed security personnel on the cruise ship traded fire with the pirates, who fled. Though no one was hurt, trading gunshots at sea was probably not what the passengers of the cruise ship had in mind when they signed up for the vacation infield. It would not be surprising if the passengers and crew of the ship were forever scared by this frightening experience. These two incidents show that piracy today is not the piracy of literature; instead, it is a dangerous crime for both perpetrator and victim. Thus, while pirates have traditionally been the beloved characters of adventures and children's novels, they no longer amuse and entertain us.

Instead, they commit crimes that result in death and ruined lives. Because of this, Vandergrift wonders…. Winfield, Nicole. The Associated Press. In this short news article, the author describes Somali Pirates' attempt to take an Italian cruise ship, which carried around passengers and crew. The attempt was thwarted when the cruise ship's security guards fired on the pirates. No one was hurt. Science, Krieglestein says, attempts to explain chaos, and to the extent it cannot, it then ignores it However, science is using the language it has in this moment, to explain chaos. Like the philosophers, Descarte and Kant, science relies upon its investigation in much the same was the philosophers rely upon nature and rationalism to convert chaos to order. That it is the nature, if not the universe, of mankind to gravitate towards order.

This is man's obsession with chaos, to turn it into order. One of the most recognized names in the history of philosophy is Plato. Dante Germino, Eric Voegelin shed some light on Plato's obsession with chaos and order, or philosophy, writing, "The motives that induced the young man of a well-connected family not to pursue his natural career in the politics of Athens but insteadto become a philosopher, the founder of a school, anda…. The Left Hand of Creation: The Origin and Evolution of the Expanding Universe. New York: Basic Books, The Epic of Gilgamesh. Maureen Gallery Kovacs. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, A www. Insomuch, I have worked closely with customers on a myriad of issues to ensure their needs were met. Such concern for my constituents has transcended to an elevated level of service for individuals in the healthcare field.

Additional Information for Consideration Although I may not be a traditional candidate, I have always worked hard to attain my goals. egardless if goals seemed to be unreachable, I have always persevered in the most trying of conditions. Pierce defines nursing quite well, "Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, the prevention of illness and injury, and the alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response and advocacy in the care of individuals families, communities, and populations. Moreover, nursing addresses the organizational, social, economic, legal, and political factors within the healthcare system and society.

These and other factors affect the cost, access, and quality of…. References Cafazzo, D. Nurses will be charting own futures. The News Tribune, D. Hensick, J. Guest editorial. Our contract with America: Nursing's social policy statement. Michigan Nurse, 69 5 , 3. Kagan, S. The advanced practice nurse in an aging society. Nurse Practitioner, Leadership For any project, the first step is to inspire people to want to work on the project. There are few more powerful motivators than inspiration. Inspiration breeds creativity, innovation, hard work, determination and other attributes that comprise the more functional elements of leadership. There are a number of different leadership styles, but the most important for getting a grand new project off the ground and building a committed team is inspirational leadership.

Inspiration is the process by which the performance in people can be inspired, rather than coerced or motivated Seidman, It is believed that inspirational leadership is the most powerful means of getting people into action. Beyond leadership style, the plan need to be detailed, including areas of concern that may require back-up plans. Planning is essential -- the role of inspiration is to ensure that the people working on the plan give their best effort, and…. Works Cited: ChangingMinds. Servant leadership. htm Cherry, K. Transformational leadership. htm Greenleaf, R. What is servant leadership? Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership. html Seidman, D.

The importance of inspirational leadership. Fast Company. The staff member might coordinate with other staff members to develop group training approaches as well as independent learning approaches. Generally all staff involved in this development plan will be required to establish and attain a designated set of objectives within a one year time frame. At the end of this period of time staff will be encouraged to develop new continuing education goals and pursue them relative to their job function. Cross training may also be utilized as a form of professional growth and development for members of the support staff.

The methods used to facilitate learning and development will vary depending on the objectives and goals for training that have been established by the supervisor and staff during the evaluation and planning sessions. Among the considerations will include…. References Smith. htm Training and Development for Support Personnel. Customer relationship management CM is an essential component of organizational management. The purpose of this discussion is to focus on a CM strategy for United Behavioral Health a subsidiary of United Health Care. United Behavioral Health is dedicated to presenting customers with high quality, cost-effective, managed mental health and substance abuse services to its customers.

The investigation suggests that the company's core values have been successfully implemented into the company's CM Strategy. The current CM strategy utilizes technology to allow customers to voice their opinions. Currently the company's website ubhweb. com provides a page that offers help to members that are experiencing problems. In addition, it provides customers with "coaches" that can help whenever problems arise. The company's customers are currently divided into three different groups; the employer division, the health plan division and the public sector. We found testimonials of customers who were extremely satisfied with the care….

Do You Hear Them? html Gupta S. Binggeli U. The McKinsey Quarterly. Jacobs F. The Relationship of Customer Satisfaction to Strategic Decisions. Journal of Managerial Issues. Volume: Issue: 2. Like Khan, Huxley focused on the sensations of the person himself having the mystical experience. During his experience, Huxley felt he had no impairment in his mind or gaze, an intensity of vision without an outer and imposed substance to induce the hallucination, and had a sense that his impetus of motion or will was impaired into a state of stasis a direct contrast with Khan's focus on the ability of music to provide motion to parallel the nature of the divine. As he looked at the flower, and Huxley felt he was becoming the flower. This stands in direct contrast to Kepler's schema of harmony, which is dependant upon perceptions of distinction from outside, as an observer perceives defined opposites.

Kepler's definition of harmony…. Another internal factor that affects the O'Connell High School are the customer demands, in which in the school's case, the customers are the students. O'Connell High School satisfies everything that students and their parents would want in an education. Aside from the low tuition fee and quality education that the school offers, it also reinforces learning to students and to anyone who wishes to gain more knowledge through community education. This is done through evening and weekend classes and a variety of non-credit courses. Thus, these positive internal factors of good opportunities given to students, O'Connell High Schools organization behavior is influenced.

estructuring is another internal factor that positively impacts the organizational behavior of the school. Despite of the closing of the school in school year , the school is now back in pursuing its missions and objectives. It has restructured its curriculum, expanding through more educational degrees that are…. References O'Connell High School. Retrieved on September 01, , from Online. com Customer Materials. Educational Mission The UNC Health Care System runs a teaching hospital that publishes its mission statement, statement of core values, and nursing philosophy on the organization's Web site at. The mission is stated briefly as: "to be a leader in providing compassionate, quality care focusing on the unique needs of patients and their families.

Those elements include "My patient," "My team," "My Hospital," "My Community," and "My Profession. Furthermore, the nursing philosophy of the UNC Health Care System is outlined as being a reflection of the vision and values of the organization as a whole. The main principles of…. Topics: Emotion, Empathic concern, Empathy, Feeling, Soul, Suffering. Altruism Compassion. Topics: Charity, Emotion, Empathic concern, Empathy, Suffering. Compassion Society. Topics: Emotion, Feeling, Human, Loneliness, Love, Pain, Solitude, Suffering, Temporal lobe. Compassion Loneliness Types of Love. Topics: Compassionate person, Personal belief. Compassion Personal Life. Topics: Appropriate care, Emotion, Empathy, Positive outcome of Marias mother, Positive relationship.

Compassion Skills. Trying to find an excellent essay sample but no results? Write my paper. We can heal everything. All we need is for us to see the love in everything. What we need is kindness and faith for humanity. To summarize it up, the value that I will hold on for everyday throughout my life is compassion. We should be aware, we should understand the situation. That way, we can help the situation get better. There is always kindness in each of us. Let it grow and touch the heart of other people. Let there be a peace in our world. And the key is on ourselves.

Let us be compassionate to everyone and everything. We still have hope for a peaceful world. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Want us to write one just for you? We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Get help with writing. Pssst… we can write an original essay just for you. Your time is important. Get essay help.

Related Essays Compassion and Empathy in Teaching Essay.

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