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Essay on obedience

Essay on obedience

The essay describes how people are willing to do almost anything that they are told no matter how immoral the action is or how much essay on obedience it may cause. Get help with your paper. The Perils of Obedience by Stanley Milgram. Brannigan, A. Popular Topics. Students must obey their teachers.

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The experimental method is an important tool that allows scientists to make significant discoveries. However, essay on obedience, some of the most major findings were made during experiments the ethical side of which remains doubtful. The subject did not know the shocks were false; essay on obedience were taken to convince the subject that the shocks were real. Then he was told one essay on obedience from one of the pairs, and four more words. The subject did not see or hear the learner. Each time the subject had to increase the voltage of the shock by 15 V. When the participant paused or stopped, four standardized phrases were used to tell them to go on.

If, after being told all the phrases, essay on obedience subject refused to administer more shocks, they were considered as one who defied the experiment. The others, who carried on and administered the highest shock Vwere considered obedient Milgram, The subject was asked to wait for seconds for the answer, and when none was received, to proceed applying shocks. The subjects essay on obedience agitated; they perspired, groaned, essay on obedience, bit their lips, dug fingernails into their flesh, spoke to themselves, nervously laughed, etc. However, out of 40 subjects, 26 carried out the experiment to the end and administered the V shock.

None stopped at a level below V. Five stopped at V after the first kickfour at V the second kicktwo — at V when no response followed. Finally, three more persons stopped, one at every of the next three levels. Thus, out of 40 subjects, only 14 defied the experiment, and at very high levels of voltage Milgram, However, the experiment conducted by Milgram uses direct lies and deception in order to prepare the participants for the test. This raises the ethical problem of deception. It is sometimes stated that it is unethical to lie or use tricks in order to lead participants to believe in false things Herrera, On the other hand, Herrera argues that many critics who protest against deception are often unable to show what is wrong with it and how the participants suffer from deception on its own.

It is arguable that as long as participants do not come to any harm or stress due to being deceived as a part of an experiment, and as long as they are debriefed and told the truth after the study, it could be ethical to use deception and manipulation in research. It was already mentioned that the subjects were anxious and agitated. In fact, some of them even might have experienced some dire consequences to their health, if they, for example, had heart problems; fortunately, there were no such happenings. Still, the ethical side of the experiment remains doubtful, essay on obedience. Still, nowadays numerous restrictions were placed to keep research from becoming too unethical.

There are, however, some workarounds for these limitations. But the ethical limitations still restrict the space for conducting experiments. Milgram also claimed that his experiments caused the ethical criticism because extremely unnerving facts about the tendencies in human behaviour were uncovered Milgram, However, essay on obedience, these attempts often changed some conditions of the original experiment — not only to test the influence of changing different variables but also because of the need to comply with the new ethical restrictions imposed on the studies. For example, Smith and Bond report a number of studies where participants could choose what level of shock to administer p.

Such a method might be perceived as much more ethical, as the subjects knew that they would not be causing any physical pain to the job applicants and would not harm their health like an electric shock could. Sheridan and King conducted another experiment in which participants, students who volunteered to take part in the experiment in order to fulfil a university course requirement, were to administer electrical shocks to a puppy they could partially see. After the experiment, the subjects were debriefed, essay on obedience, reassured that the puppy was safe, handled the puppy, and interviewed. This experiment could be considered as more ethical due to the fact that, even though the shock was believed to be administered, the receiver was not a human but an animal.

However, it is clear and justified that agitation and nervousness were still experienced by the subjects. Slater et al. It is interesting that, despite the fact that all the participants knew that neither the shocks nor the person were real, they still showed the same physiological, behavioural and subjective reactions as essay on obedience everything was real. His research caused a surge of similar studies, as well as numerous discussions on the ethics of the experimental method. Although many restrictions were imposed on the scientific methods due to ethical considerations, and these restrictions often limit the capabilities of scholars, researchers are in some cases able to find workarounds to these limitations in order to conduct similar studies in an ethically satisfying manner.

Benjamin, essay on obedience, L. The American Psychologist, 64 1 Brannigan, A. Introduction to the special issue: Unplugging the Milgram machine. Herrera, C. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 18 3 McArthur, D. Essay on obedience ethics can sometimes mean better science: Research ethics and the Milgram experiments. Science and Engineering Ethics, 15 1 Milgram, S. Behavioral study of obedience. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67— Obedience to authority: An experimental view. Orne, M. On the essay on obedience validity of laboratory deceptions, essay on obedience.

International Journal of Psychiatry, 6 4 Pina e Cunha, M. Obedience and evil: From Milgram and Kampuchea to normal organizations. Journal of Business Ethics, 97 2 Shanab, M, essay on obedience. A cross-cultural study of obedience. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 11 4 Sheridan, C. Obedience to authority with an authentic victim. Proceedings of the 80th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Slater, M, essay on obedience. A virtual reprise of the Stanley Milgram obedience experiments. PLoS One, 1 1e Smith, P. Social psychology across cultures 2nd ed. Harlow, England: Pearson Education Limited. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you?

certified writers online. Milgram's Experiment on Obedience: Ethical Issues. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Introduction The experimental method is an important tool that allows scientists to make significant discoveries. Learn More. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. Removal Request. If you are the copyright owner essay on obedience this paper and no longer wish to have your work published essay on obedience IvyPanda. Obedience and Disobedience as Behaviour Forms Human Obedience, Its Nature and Causes. GET WRITING HELP. Cite This paper. Select a referencing style:. Copy to Clipboard Copied!

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If a child does not obey his parents, he is sure to be spoilt. On the other hand a child who obeys his parents and acts according to their instructions has a bright future. In society: Obedience is essential in individual life as well as in social life. Man is a social animal and to live in the society man has to obey certain rules, tradition, customs and conventions. If necessary he should be ready to curtail his personal liberty to secure social life and mend his social behavior. The things that blind the society such as love, friendship, fellow-felling, religion and culture all are bound by rules and obedience to these rules enables us to lead a happy social life.

On the other hand those who break away from these social norms and want to build a society of their own without due respect for rules suffers a lot in life. It helps in keeping the social structures running smoothly. If everyone is obedient to key precepts society keeps on running smoothly. It helps in stopping crimes. Obedience to the law stops people from committing crimes. Skip to main content Skip to secondary menu Skip to primary sidebar Skip to footer Home About History Important India Categories TOU Contact Us. Footer Categories History of India History of Mughal Empire Modern History of India Important India Indian Geography Blog.

About Us Report an Article Sitemap Contact Us. Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Copyrights. On the other hand, Herrera argues that many critics who protest against deception are often unable to show what is wrong with it and how the participants suffer from deception on its own. It is arguable that as long as participants do not come to any harm or stress due to being deceived as a part of an experiment, and as long as they are debriefed and told the truth after the study, it could be ethical to use deception and manipulation in research. It was already mentioned that the subjects were anxious and agitated. In fact, some of them even might have experienced some dire consequences to their health, if they, for example, had heart problems; fortunately, there were no such happenings.

Still, the ethical side of the experiment remains doubtful. Still, nowadays numerous restrictions were placed to keep research from becoming too unethical. There are, however, some workarounds for these limitations. But the ethical limitations still restrict the space for conducting experiments. Milgram also claimed that his experiments caused the ethical criticism because extremely unnerving facts about the tendencies in human behaviour were uncovered Milgram, However, these attempts often changed some conditions of the original experiment — not only to test the influence of changing different variables but also because of the need to comply with the new ethical restrictions imposed on the studies.

For example, Smith and Bond report a number of studies where participants could choose what level of shock to administer p. Such a method might be perceived as much more ethical, as the subjects knew that they would not be causing any physical pain to the job applicants and would not harm their health like an electric shock could. Sheridan and King conducted another experiment in which participants, students who volunteered to take part in the experiment in order to fulfil a university course requirement, were to administer electrical shocks to a puppy they could partially see. After the experiment, the subjects were debriefed, reassured that the puppy was safe, handled the puppy, and interviewed. This experiment could be considered as more ethical due to the fact that, even though the shock was believed to be administered, the receiver was not a human but an animal.

However, it is clear and justified that agitation and nervousness were still experienced by the subjects. Slater et al. It is interesting that, despite the fact that all the participants knew that neither the shocks nor the person were real, they still showed the same physiological, behavioural and subjective reactions as if everything was real. His research caused a surge of similar studies, as well as numerous discussions on the ethics of the experimental method. Although many restrictions were imposed on the scientific methods due to ethical considerations, and these restrictions often limit the capabilities of scholars, researchers are in some cases able to find workarounds to these limitations in order to conduct similar studies in an ethically satisfying manner.

Benjamin, L. The American Psychologist, 64 1 , Brannigan, A. Introduction to the special issue: Unplugging the Milgram machine. Herrera, C. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 18 3 , McArthur, D. Good ethics can sometimes mean better science: Research ethics and the Milgram experiments. Science and Engineering Ethics, 15 1 , Milgram, S. Behavioral study of obedience. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67 , — Obedience to authority: An experimental view. Orne, M. On the ecological validity of laboratory deceptions. International Journal of Psychiatry, 6 4 , Pina e Cunha, M. Obedience and evil: From Milgram and Kampuchea to normal organizations.

Journal of Business Ethics, 97 2 , Shanab, M. A cross-cultural study of obedience. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 11 4 , Sheridan, C. Obedience to authority with an authentic victim. Proceedings of the 80th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Slater, M.

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