Thursday, February 10, 2022

Essay about trust

Essay about trust

And meantime, if trust is indeed a "key element" in forging strong work relationships between doctors and administrators - with the good health and well-being of patients at risk,… References Jones, essay about trust, Bradley E. Communications on the ACM, Although I intuitively agree with the study's findings, the evidence essay about trust is presented is subject to some skepticism. The effects of e-government on trust and confidence in government. Most recently, the election of resident Obama reflected a renewed faith and hope in the government's ability to address meaningful issues, essay about trust. A field study of listening needs in organizations. References Groysberg, B; Balog, S; Haimson, J.

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Worried about plagiarism? Read this. Help Login Sign Up. Trust is the very thing that everybody in this world desires, or at least should desire from one another. Who wants to have a friendship or relationship without trust? Nobody does. Without trust, there is no friendship, and without friendship, there essay about trust no love. I believe that trust is an even greater compliment than to be loved! I believe George Macdonald said it best when he stated "To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved. How can you be loved if you are not trusted first? It is a special thing to be trusted essay about trust someone. To be told you are trusted is an even greater feeling, but you should never take advantage of that trust.

Taking advantage of somebody's trust in you is never a good thing and will only lead to distrust. If somebody took advantage of my trust, I would be very skeptical of them the next time they needed me to do essay about trust for them or asked something of me. Trust should be valued highly and seen as a true bond between two friends or mates. It should be thought of as the glue in the relationship, essay about trust. I think of myself as a very trusting person. I believe that I have a very strong judge of character when it comes to meeting somebody for the first time. When I first look at somebody I can sort of tell how there personality is or how easy they might be to talk to. Just by looking at the way they sit or stand, talk, and listen, I will be able to tell if I will get along essay about trust that essay about trust well.

This also goes for trusting somebody, essay about trust. Maybe I tend to trust people a little too much when I first meet someone but that is just the way I am. Though I do not fully trust them, I believe I can trust in them to help me with something minor I ask of them or tell them. I usually have no problem trusting somebody unless I can tell there will be a problem. If they break my trust in them, it will take a lot to re-gain that trust back if they can at all. Having somebody to trust is a wonderful feeling. Knowing that you have somebody to talk to about anything you might have going on in your life is great. The feeling of being trusted might possibly be one of the best feelings you will ever know.

It is great when you can help somebody when you are trusted just by having a talk with them about something they need help with or need advice on, essay about trust. If you do not know of anybody you truly trust, then I believe that you should find someone and build that friendship with a glue called trust and maybe you will help that person and even yourself in ways you've never known. In WriteWork. WriteWork contributors. com, 27 April, WriteWork contributors, ""Trust" This essay is about trust, essay about trust.

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The parents of these student also have expectations in the education process as well. If that students needs help they should help them with it, but not give them the answers. Teachers must deal with these different personalities and attitudes everyday and it is quiet stressful. This type of behavior should be confronted at home before the child is of age to go to school and maintained throughout. The Parents should start demonstrating these ethics, morals, and values, by showing respect those around them, whether it is family, friends or neighbors. Deciding to go back to school may leave you worrisome, or scared. You might wonder how you are going to handle another responsibility because you have so many already.

As a single mother, an employee, and a homeowner, I have taken steps I would like to share with you to reduce the stress of adding schoolwork to your load. To get through this course, balancing your studies with the other aspects of your life will guide you to stress free success. Take each day as it comes, and do the best you can. It will give students time to focus on studying on the night before, as well as not stress out as much for having to take more than one test the next day. She also mentions that often times, teachers forget that students have a home life, such as chores, babysitting, outside or in-school sports, work, and family to spend time with.

This is a valuable point because many teachers are able to go home to their families and do other responsibilities without having homework, such as grading papers, because they are able to work on them at school. Study habits are not developed just at school, they are also developed at home, with the parent supervising the activity. The parent need to allot time periods where the student, or hopefully the student and the parent can sit down and develop thinking skills and communicate their ideas to one another. By teaching children the value of stimulating their minds all the time, not just at school, they will appreciate the knowledge they have gained and will be more alert when learning new ideas.

As an educator we need to find ways to make concepts interesting to our students. Think about the instructor who stands in front of the classroom and scribbles on the board, completely oblivious to the students sitting in the classroom. Students need to be actively involved in the classroom by asking questions and participating in classroom activities. The students is also responsible for doing homework. If the student does not complete homework or school assignments then they are hurting themselves. The teacher can encourage students to do their work and also hold them out of activities till they do their work.

This still will not help at home the students have to be responsible enough to do their homework. Home Page The Importance of Trust. The Importance of Trust Satisfactory Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. What is trust? My definition of trust is someone who can do something without being checked up on or being able to depend on someone. The focus of this essay will be trust. I will go in depth on trust at home, school and trust in general. html Building relational trust. Educational Leaders. Social security is not perfect by any means, but as a program, it has good intentions, and that is one reason to trust our government to do what is right and proper for senior citizens. Many of them have served our country in many ways, and social security means they can be comfortable as they grow older.

Do the Right Thing - In many areas of government, historically they have chosen to do the right thing. Finally giving women the vote was the right thing to do, even if it took too long. Passing civil rights legislation was the right thing to do, even though it took too long, as well. Ending slavery was the right thing to do, well, you get the idea. It may take the government time to do the right thing, but it most cases, especially with really big issues, they end up doing the right…. Thank you for your consideration of our company as your trusted Certified Public Accountant CPA and we hope that this is the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship. Our company provides superior accounting services to clients with a wide range of accounting issues and needs.

Therefore, we are ready to provide excellent accounting guidance and expertise that will help you achieve personal and financial success. In addressing your issue of irrevocable trusts, estate tax and gift tax, we will utilize a six-step procedure to provide you with the most reliable professional assistance. Based on your request to establish an irrevocable trust for your two grandchildren, the determination of the impact of such a trust on gift tax and estate tax is important. An irrevocable trust is one with specified terms that cannot be changed even by the grantor once the agreement has been signed Garber, In your case, there…. he relationship of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's leadership styles from the perspective of four distinct variables: gender, culture, trust and likelihood of voting.

he author believes that the perception of fairness is the single most essential leadership trait which leaders should acquire in order to garner trust and commitment among voters. Consequently, the author also believes that this also applies to leadership in the business world. he article conducts a literature review that focuses on different aspects of leadership. here is some controversy in the study of leadership as the author alludes to. here are several research studies that show that there is empirical evidence to suggest that leaders play a critical part in an organization working toward organizational goals. However, some of works have…. The article continues to illustrate various components of leadership and how they are presented in the literature with Obama's and Clinton's leadership styles and campaign messages as the focal point.

For example, the article mentions that Barack Obama's winning Democratic Party Nominee Elections campaign, his change message in particular, was far superior in from an ethical standpoint. This seems to be a fairly loaded assumption that is difficult to test empirically. He contrasts Clinton's campaign as a more top down approach based on her political life that allowed her to mingle constantly with the political elite. By contrast, Obama's career formed from a more bottom up approach in he worked as a community organizer in Chicago. It is noted that transformational leadership can be facilitated by the level of trust in the leader. Therefore, based on these criteria, it is assumed that Obama's level of trust based on his bottom up career development would be higher and more legitimate among the populace.

Although this seems like a reasonable statement, it is still highly speculative without any empirical analysis being conducted on the two candidates. The actual experiment works to test some of the hypotheses that were generated in the literature review. The independent and dependent variables were measured with a survey that used the Likert Scale to measure responses. The study concludes that the leadership styles of Obama and Clinton are striking different. Barack Obama was perceived as a transformational leader while Clinton was perceived more as a transactional leader. Although I intuitively agree with the study's findings, the evidence that is presented is subject to some skepticism. There are a plethora of limitations that the study had to overcome to be able to test the hypothesis.

One obvious one was the sample size. Another limitation that the author alludes to is the cultural variables of the sample which oversimplifies culture into either East or West categories as opposed to more specific geographies. Although I found the article interesting, I'm not sure that it adds significant value to the study of leadership. revocable and an irrevocable trust? The difference between a revocable and an irrevocable trust is very simple. A revocable trust is one that has been created and that can be revoked at a future time - generally for specific reasons CompTax, n.

These kinds of trusts can also be changed, so if a person does not want to completely revoke the trust but wants to make adjustments, that is possible CompTax, n. Often these kinds of trusts are made when it comes to wills and estate planning, but they can also be used in order to focus on business transactions and the individuals who are allowed to initiate or complete those transactions. An irrevocable trust, as the name implies, is one that cannot be revoked. Once it has been created it is not able to be changed, which means that anyone who creates it must be very careful about doing….

Workplace Diversity Ethics The productivity and ethics within the workplace environment are significantly influenced by leadership transparency. This issue has been revealed by studies on human resources in several companies. There are several types of leadership, like autocratic, democratic, transformational, transactional laissez-faire leadership and others. Each of these leadership styles has its advantages and disadvantages, and each of them can be successfully used in a certain type of organization. But transparent leadership is much more than a leadership style. Transparency in leadership does not limit to the transparency of communication. Transparent leaders have been observed to focus on the facts, in comparison with finding someone to put the blame on.

This means that these leaders are interesting in understanding the reasons that determine certain situations in…. Reference list: 1. Henry, M. Transparency and Leadership. Lead Change Group. Pearce, C. et al. Is Shared Leadership the Key to Team Success. Organizational Dynamics. Irrevocable Trust Letter Dear Mr. Feinstein: I enjoyed seeing you again at the Fosters' party. Hope everything works out for you and your wife with the upcoming trip! You had asked about establishing an irrevocable trust for your two grandchildren. This would be a good way to ensure that the children are paid by the trust for 20 years with the principal distributed to them at the end of that time.

However, there are certain stipulations that must be met with an irrevocable trust. With a revocable trust, you still maintain some control over the assets. With an irrevocable trust, this is not the case. The assets belong totally to the trustees and they are responsible for maintaining them. Your control over how that management is conducted is gone. With that said, there is no reason to think this would be anything other than a good arrangement. For example, an…. References Carnes, D. Tax consequences for revocable and irrevocable trusts. html Helsell, Fetterman.

Irrevocable Trusts. Irrevocable Gift Trust. n- klaw. Government Do we dare not to trust the government? There are very good reasons not to trust the government. A great deal of evidence points to the idea that the current administration is essentially owned by big business, and that it is willing to sell out the interests of individuals for the sake of corporations. Just a brief look at recent stories show why one should not trust the government: the increase in gas prices and energy company profits while those companies shell out to the administration, the brutal death of Terri Schiavo under the orders of a judge, the September 11th terrorist attacks which may have been orchestrated for the colonial good of the American empire, the nation's willingness to abandon social security, and the lack of support for victims of rural crime.

Of course, there are some reasons why one should trust the government: Welfare programs are available…. Police: Building Trust Between Police and Communities Building Trust between Police and Communities: Police Police Trust, Integrity and Ethics in Bridging the Gap in Community elations The death of Eric Garner in the hands of New York police, and the shootings of year-old ice Tamir and Michael Brown in Ohio and Missouri respectively, have and continue to brew a wave of public mistrust in the police service. Such incidences often spur massive public protests that eventually destroy relations between police and the communities they serve.

A study conducted by euters on 3, citizens between December and January found that a significant In December, , President Barrack Obama signed an executive order creating the Task Force on 21st Century Policing, whose primary aim is to build confidence and trust in the local police. References IACP. Building Trust between the Police and the Citizens they Serve. The International Association of Chiefs of Police ICAP. pdf Miller, L. Community Policing: Partnerships for Problem-Solving 5th ed. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning. Raines, J. Ethics in Policing: Misconduct and Integrity. Do Americans Trust their Cops to be Fair and Just? New Poll Contains Surprises. TMP Trusted Platform Module is an international standard dedicated to secure hardware by integrating the security cryptographic keys into hardware devices.

In other words, the TMP is a secure cryptoprocessor integrated into the computer motherboards enabling full disk encryption without using extremely long paraphrases. When a user buys a personal computer, the TPM is built into the computer's motherboard with the goal to offer security into the computer systems by generating the encryptions keys to protect the data in the drive. With the TPM in place, an attacker cannot remove the file from the systems or access the files elsewhere. Moreover, the TPM stores the encryption key that requires a user to login with a password to get access to the Windows and computer system. The objective of this paper is to explore the concept the Trusted Platform Module, and the working protocol of the TMP technology.

Working Process of…. Reference Francis, A. and Vindoh, E. TPM: A More Trustworthy Solution to Computer Security, Engineering and Computer 3 3 : 99 -- Hans, B. Introduction Trusted Computing: The TCG Trusted Platform Module Specification. Infineon Technologies AG, Germany. Jared, S. TPM-SIM: A Framework for Performance Evaluation of Trusted Platform Modules. Conference: Proceedings of the 48th Design Automation Conference: Additional capital generated by the deal was used to decrease the annual expense ratio. n , the company announced that it was primarily selling to the investors in Canada and in the United States under the Multijurisdictional Disclosure System through its underwriter CBC. The issue price this time is U. Just like when the proceeds were used for the purchase of gold bullion, in , the same plan was maintained and the company used its net proceed for investment in gold bullion.

Similarly the additional capital will be used to reduce the annual expense ratio. With this sale, the new total of units issued and outstanding has come to 16,, Central Gold-trust now has investment holdings of approximately , fine ounces of gold bullion, 6, ounces in gold certificates and nearly U. In , the company announced that it was primarily selling to the investors in Canada and in the United States under the Multijurisdictional Disclosure System through its underwriter CIBC. Microsoft Anti-Trust Case Microsoft was charged with using its position as an industry leader in computer software to force buyers to buy products that were bundled with Internet Explorer. The claim was considered a breach of anti-trust laws which declared that a company cannot package two products together based on one's popularity or market position with the consumer U.

Microsoft, Microsoft has denied such claims that they took an unfair advantage of the market and consumer in order to strengthen an already dominant position in the industry Hemphill, Especially in the case of the product coming from a company that has domination over the software industry such as Microsoft. The Internet Explorer browser was not sold but given as a free product with the purchase of the Operating System by Microsoft. This is done by many companies throughout the industry. However when Microsoft applied this marketing principle,….

References Brick, R. appeals court overturns Microsoft anti-trust ruling. html Goldman, D. iPhone anti-trust law goes to class action. Alexander's execution of his trusted general Parmenion and his son Philotas, and how it affected the remainder of Alexander's life, and his reign. ALEXANDER THE GREAT Alexander the Great was born sometime around July 20th, in As a child, the great philosopher and scientist, Aristotle, tutored him. His father was murdered in He was one of the greatest conquerors in history, taking over Greece, Persia, Egypt, and part of India before he died. In six years he had won greater victories than any hero in Greek history had won in a lifetime, and he had done it, at several turning-points, in the teeth of all advice from his generals and Companions" urn He considered himself a relative of….

Bibliography Burn, A. Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Empire. New York: Macmillan Co. Untereker, Jed, Kossuth, James, and Kelsey, Bill. Watson v. The basis of P's suit was that in assessing P's qualifications for promotion, D used subjective criteria to determine her performance. These included interviews, rating scales and experiential requirements that had not been subjected to scientific validation procedures. D asserted that interviews and rating scales should not be subjected to the validation procedures required in disparate impact cases.

D believed it should not be required to show that the criteria used to determine employee qualifications were strictly are job-related under the law, so long as they had not been…. Referenced Corley, Robert N. The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business. Boston: McGraw-Hill. One of these is Chapter 2 of Title 15, ubchapter 1, ection This ection regulates unfair methods of commerce and competition. These methods are declared as unlawful under the act. The ection specifically relates to national and local practices, as opposed to foreign trade, and therefore applies to our proposed partnership.

When businesses engage in unfair or deceptive acts of commerce, they are obliged by law to provide remedies to all injured parties, whether foreign or domestic. The herman Act of and all its amendments should also be carefully scrutinized and implemented in our partnership ventures. This Act is the basis upon which most antitrust American laws are built. Generally, businesses are prohibited from creating unfair competition in terms…. Sources American Antitrust Institute. ashx Legal Information Institute Code collection: Section Unfair methods of competition unlawful; prevention by Commission. html Title 15 : Section 18a: Monopolies and Combinations in Restraint of Trade. Even non-chiropractic patients would be hurt, as the costs might be passed onto all users of all components of the health insurance plans who were being effectively extorted for money.

The ultimate settlement that emerged prohibited the CA "from fixing prices for any chiropractic goods or services, or the terms of third-party payer contracts," which seems more than fair and reasonable -- it seems overly lenient given the damage that was done "isconsin Chiropractic Association and its director agree to settle FTC charges of price-fixing," , FTC. However, because price-fixing can be difficult to prove, some of this leniency on the part of the FTC may be due to the need to engage in a settlement rather than a lengthy court battle with the CA.

Given the centrality of the organization's head Russell a. Leonard, in engaging in such tactics, demanding his resignation seems not only fair, but reasonable. Works Cited Welcome to the bureau of competition. Federal Trade Commission FTC Website. shtml Wisconsin Chiropractic Association and its director agree to settle FTC charges of price-fixing. E-businesses challenged create trust customers. People don't send money strangers. ead article: Mangiaracina, When considering a business model for you company it is highly important to pattern it on that of other successful companies that are also based online.

Jeff Beer's article "Outlook The new dotcom boom" provides several case studies of online companies with robust business models that have proven records of success. The unifying factor of all organizations mentioned, and the ones that provide the most tangible examples of success, Groupon and Twitter, is that their models are all based on solid marketing. One of the most critical elements of marketing for online businesses is to create a sense of community with one's customer base. Doing so in turn increases that customer base by readily involving more members of the general population as part of an organization's community.

However, there are a set of management concerns…. References Downes, Larry and Mui, Chunka html Hof, Robert , "The eBay economy. htm Merrill, Duane "Mashups: The New Breed of Web App. Endowments 1 An endowment is a monetary gift to a non-profit organization. Typically, the principal is used to earn interest, dividends or a return on investment. Oftentimes, the entire principal that a non-profit like a university, for example, has is referred to as its endowment. The principal is preserved while the return is used for a variety of functions, from charity to expansion and so on.

There are four different types of endowments that exist. These are: term, unrestricted, restricted and quasi. Term endowments set a term on the donation—i. The term can be a certain amount of time or an event like a death —but whatever it is, the money must only be used for investment purposes until the term has ended, then the gift can be spent however the organization sees fit. The unrestricted endowment can be spent…. Community Relations Ideas to Build Rapport Between Police and Residents in a Community The police force is ultimately accountable to the public in one manner or another. Therefore, not only must the police justify its policies and actions relative to the public service of the community, but the community will also be the most important critic of their actions as well.

Various policing organizations have come under intense scrutiny and have received a great deal of negative publicity through the mainstream and social media channels. The relationship between a police force and the community they serve is often tense, but with the massive spread of smartphones and portable cameras, the levels of animosities have reached new heights in some jurisdictions due to improper use of force in many cases. The friction between public servants and the community are experiencing vast amounts of friction because of such instances and the publicity…. Works Cited Gest, T. DOJ Slams St. Louis County Cops on Community Relations.

Department of Justice. Building Trust Between the Police and the Citizens They Serve. pdf Weitzer, R. Police -- Community Relations in a Majority-Black City. Although one cannot make a good case for asserting that any one component in and of itself constitutes a monopolistic practice see, for example how the operating system's prices have remained low in the following graphs , as part of a greater plan to dominate the market, there certainly is a solid case. Although the penalty for Microsoft as a monopoly is hardly extreme, it will certainly serve as a model to both avoid, and watch out for in the future. html Economics Resource Center.

Is Microsoft a Monopoly? html McKenzie, Richard. html orks Cited Branyencyclopedia. eb site. Works Cited Branyencyclopedia. Web site. html Branyencyclopedia. html Liebowitz, Stan. The capitalist, in Marx's view, merely accumulated wealth and used that wealth to unjustly make more wealth, like an aristocrat of old. The capitalist's exploitation of the worker was no progress at all. It was merely the latest manifestation of the age-old dialectic of the haves vs. The have-nots. The have-nots inevitably overthrew the haves, came to power, and exploited the lower orders once again, as had occurred in the new economic system. Likewise, Nietzsche questioned the idea that Christianity had made human beings more moral and civilized, he felt it had merely made them less creative and more complacent.

Progress should not be measured through the creation of more social controls. Nietzsche advocated a return to a Dionysian worship of the body, not a containment of the body. However radical these critiques, however, both Marx and Nietzsche in their own ways created visions of progress that were fundamentally utopian…. Jonah Creighton Jonah If recruit trust was so important for the CHAMP program, why was the company including Dan and Jonah were scheming internally? A major reason that everything about the CHAMP program was not made crystal clear was because the company's policies were changing. Despite being the leaders of the program, neither Dan nor Jonah have much control over the policies.

According to Dan, keeping information from the recruits would prevent them from being misled, however it should have been done in order to make the whole procedure very clear. If the recruits were given jobs and were being placed according to their performance in the program, they should have been told that the business units will look at their performance. For the recruits, their performance and their work ethics are the only things that can take them forward, if at any point they find out that the credibility…. Trust Between Management and Physicians in Hospitals Trust: 1 a: assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something; b: one in which confidence is placed; 2 a: dependence on something future or contingent - Merriam-Webster Online.

Do families of patients who are hospitalized for injuries or illness "trust" that their loved ones are getting the best possible care? Of course families do, in all cases, have an "assured reliance" Merriam-Webster on a doctor's "character, ability, strength [and] truth," when it comes to care-giving of family members. So, there can be no doubt: the element of trust has always been part of the medical community's pivotal responsibilities when it comes to care-giving to injured or ill citizens. And meantime, if trust is indeed a "key element" in forging strong work relationships between doctors and administrators - with the good health and well-being of patients at risk,….

References Jones, Bradley E. Trust, Physicians, and a CEO's Skills. Healthcare Executive, 18, Succi, Melissa J. Trust Between Managers And Physicians in Community Hospitals: The Effects of Power Over Hospital Decisions. Many believe the ends justify the means. Many believe life is best played with a win-lose mentality. Many people like having an enemy. Way too many people are playing finite, short-term games. This list will grow… What is Trust? Enough of the big picture, fairly depressing stuff, for now. Trust, Purpose and Joy One of the other insights Zak and his team has given us is the neuroscience around purpose. Character-Based Trust So what is character-based trust? Connection-Based Trust Connection-based trust is all about the non-competency, non-character things that keep us connected in a healthy way.

Water… Pretty important stuff. Executive Summary Trust supports the overall well-being of people, families, tribes, companies, communities and nations. Research makes it all but certain that the vast majority of highly successful organizations are High Trust Companies HTCs that have high-trust relationships with their stakeholders. Trust promotes stronger revenue growth, better margins, lower customer churn, less employee turnover, more innovation, better risk-adjusted returns on capital and healthier brands. One of the first comprehensive mathematical derivations of trust showed that trust reduces the transaction costs associated with investment decisions by increasing confidence in what the other party would do.

Our social nature is anatomically inscribed in our brains…. Trust is core to every relationship, that it is three dimensional, that each dimension is important, and that no leader nor company will go far without being trusted by the vast majority of its stakeholders. Action Items Do work in a High Trust Company? Are there opportunities to increase one or more of the dimensions of trust across your organization? Can you increase the level of trust with your colleagues? Are your values aligned with those you Work with? If not, consider how that lack of alignment might impact your ability to Work together, your results, your business and your growth.

Using the example of access to healthy water, a low trust company might create arbitrary restrictions denying access if a person says or does something others may reasonably disagree with. Is this helpful? Does this genuinely make life better? Are there areas of your business or relationships where that could happen? If so, look for ways to shift to a more humane, longer term oriented, approach. About the Author. Want to comment? See this Story on Medium. About Trust, Part One — A Forever Work in Progress Trust.

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