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Medical essay examples

Medical essay examples

A jumble of questions ran through my mind simultaneously: Is this the right job for me? That rewarding feeling of fulfillment attracts me to the practice of medicine, medical essay examples. Note how the lead grabs attention and the conclusion ties everything together. As I tightly wrapped my fingers around it, I felt the wind rush around me, and my tired legs started to carry me faster than I ever dreamed possible. Business Plan medical essay examples Legal Nurse Words: Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Business Plan Paper :

Medical School Essay One

These exemplary medical school personal statement examples come from our students who enrolled in one of our application review programs. The first example was accepted into ALL 5 Osteopathic schools to which the student applied! Additionally, they were waitlisted or accepted to ALL 3 Allopathic Medical Schools. To top that, the student eventually accepted an offer from their TOP PICK SCHOOL! The second one got accepted to THREE Allopathic Medical Schools. We could not be happier for these students and after reading these amazing medical essay examples statements, you'll see why, medical essay examples. After giving you a step-by-step guide for composing a statement, you will read 18 MORE outstanding medical school personal statement examples that will get you inspired to write your own!

Whether you are a DO or MD applicant working on your AMCAS personal statement or getting ready to write your AACOMAS personal essay, this blog is your ultimate guide to writing the perfect statement. We'll go over each medical school personal statement example and break down the process so you can compose a winning statement that will get you into the medical school of your dreams! Note: If you would like to navigate to specific sections of the article, click "Article Contents" above on mobile or on the right desktop to see an overview of the content. As one of the most important medical school requirementsthe personal statement tells your story of why you decided to pursue the medical profession.

To help you craft it, we're going to go over 20 fantastic medical school personal statement examples and teach you how to create your own from scratch. Keep in medical essay examples that medical essay examples statements are one of the key factors that affect medical school acceptance rates. This is why it's important to write a stellar essay! Would You Like Us To Help You Ace Your Medical School Personal Statement? Seeing her tearfulness and at a loss for words, I took her hand and held it, hoping to make things more bearable. Through mentoring, I have developed meaningful relationships with individuals of all ages, including seven-year-old Hillary, medical essay examples.

Many of my mentees come from disadvantaged backgrounds; working with them has challenged me to become more understanding and compassionate. Though not always tangible, my small victories, such as the support I offered Hillary, hold great personal meaning. Similarly, medicine encompasses more than an understanding of tangible entities such as the science of disease and treatment—to be an excellent physician requires empathy, dedication, curiosity and love of problem solving. These are skills I have developed through my experiences both teaching and shadowing inspiring physicians. Medicine encompasses more than hard science. My experience as a teaching assistant nurtured my passion for medicine; I found that helping students required more than knowledge of organic chemistry. Medical essay examples, I was only able to address their difficulties when I sought out their underlying fears and feelings.

One student, Azra, medical essay examples, struggled despite regularly attending office hours. She approached me, asking for help. As we worked together, I noticed that her frustration stemmed from how intimidated she was by problems. I helped her by listening to her as a fellow student and normalizing her struggles. My passion for teaching others and sharing knowledge emanates from my curiosity and love for learning. My shadowing experiences in particular have stimulated my curiosity and desire to learn more about the world around me. How does platelet rich plasma stimulate tissue growth? How does diabetes affect the proximal convoluted tubule? My questions never stopped. I wanted to know everything and it felt very satisfying to apply my knowledge to clinical problems.

Shadowing physicians further taught me that medicine not only fuels my curiosity; it also challenges my problem solving skills. I enjoy the connections found in medicine, how things learned in one area can aid in coming up with a solution in another. For instance, while shadowing Dr. I knew that veins have valves and thought back to my shadowing experience with Dr. Smith in the operating room. In fact, medicine is intertwined and collaborative. The ability to gather knowledge from many specialties and put seemingly distinct concepts together to form a coherent picture truly attracts me to medicine, medical essay examples. It is hard to separate science from medicine; in fact, medicine is science.

However, medicine is also about people—their feelings, struggles and concerns. Humans are not pre-programmed robots that all face the same problems. Humans deserve sensitive and understanding physicians. Humans deserve doctors who are infinitely curious, constantly questioning new advents in medicine. They deserve someone who loves the challenge of problem solving and coming up with innovative individualized solutions. I want to be that physician. I want to be able to approach each case as a unique entity and incorporate my strengths into providing personalized care for my patients. Until that time, I may be found Friday mornings in the operating room, peering over shoulders, dreaming about the day I get to hold the drill.

Free Webclass How To Make Your Med School Application Stand Out! Let's take a step back to consider what this medical school personal statement example does, not just what it says. It begins with an engaging hook in the first paragraph and ends with a compelling conclusion. The introduction draws you in, making medical essay examples essay almost impossible to put down, while the conclusion paints a picture of someone who is both passionate and dedicated to the profession. In between medical essay examples introduction and conclusion, medical essay examples, this student makes excellent use of personal narrative. The anecdotes chosen demonstrate this individual's response to the common question, " Why do you want to medical essay examples a doctor?

The essay articulates a number of key qualities and competencies, which go far beyond the common trope, I want to be a doctor because I want to help people. This person is clearly a talented writer, medical essay examples this was the result medical essay examples several rounds of edits with one of our medical school admissions consulting team members and a lot of hard work on the student's part. If your essay is not quite there yet, or if you're just getting started, don't sweat it. Do take note that writing a good personal essay takes advanced planning and significant effort, medical essay examples. We are here to help you articulate your own vision, passion, and skills in a way that is equally captivating and compelling!

I was one of those kids who always wanted to be doctor. As a child, visits to the pediatrician were important events. I loved the interaction with my doctor. I listened as my mother communicated with the doctor. I understood medicine as an act of service, which aligned with my values, and became a dream, medical essay examples. I was hospitalized for several months as a teenager and was inspired by the experience, despite the illness. In the time of diagnosis, treatment and recovery, I met truly sick children. Children who were much more ill medical essay examples me. We shared a four-bed room, and we shared our medical stories, medical essay examples. To bring physical relief, a cold compress, a warmed blanket, medical essay examples, a message to a nurse, medical essay examples, filled me with such an intense joy and sense of purpose that I applied for a volunteer position at the hospital even before my release.

I have since been volunteering in emergency departments, out-patient clinics, and long term care facilities. Charles was 55 when he died. I would tell the family of his activities between their visits, and I would remind him of their visits and their news. This was a hard experience for me. I watched as 3 daughters, around my own age, incrementally lost their father. I became angry, medical essay examples then I grew even more determined. In the summer of third year of my Health Sciences degree, I was chosen to participate in an undergraduate research fellowship in biomedical research at my university. None of the work is in isolation. For instance, I was closely mentored by Will, a graduate student who had been in my role the previous summer.

He, in turn, collaborated with post docs and medical students, turning to faculty when roadblocks were met. Working in this team, medical essay examples, aside from developing research skills, I realized that practicing medicine is not an individual pursuit, but a collaborative commitment to excellence in scholarship and leadership, which all begins with mentorship. Building on this experience with teamwork in the lab, I participated in a global health initiative in Nepal for four months, where I worked alongside nurses, doctors, and translators. I worked in mobile rural medical essay examples camps that offered tuberculosis care, monitored the health and development of babies and children under 5, and tended to minor injuries.

We worked hour days helping hundreds of people in the 3 days we spent in each location. Patients would already be in line before we woke each morning. I medical essay examples each day recording basic demographic information, blood pressure, pulse, temperature, weight, height, as well as random blood sugar levels, for each patient, before they lined up to see a doctor. Each day was exhausting and satisfying. We helped so many people. But this satisfaction was quickly displaced by a developing understanding of issues in health equity. My desire to be doctor as a young person was not misguided, but simply naïve.

We Can Help! Before discussing how to write a strong medical school personal statement, we first need to understand the qualities of a strong essay. Similar to crafting strong medical school secondary essayswriting a strong personal statement is a challenging, yet extremely medical essay examples, part of your MD or MD-PhD programs applications. Your AMCAS Work and Activities section may show the reader what you have done, but the personal statement explains why. A personal statement should be deeply personal, medical essay examples, giving the admissions committee insight into your passions and your ultimate decision to pursue a career in medicine.

A compelling and introspective personal statement can make the difference between getting an interview medical essay examples facing medical school rejection. Review our blogs to find out how to prepare for med school interviews and learn the most common medical school interview questions. As you contemplate medical essay examples task in front of you, you may be wondering medical essay examples composing an essay has to do with entering the field of medicine.

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However, medical marijuana contains fewer chemicals that cause euphoria. The problem with writing a medical marijuana essay is that there is still a lot of research being made about the uses of this plant. So it usually means reviewing a lot of information before getting an outline of what the essay should look like. For people to write good essays on medical marijuana, better look at a sample paper that will guide on how to outline an interesting introduction, body, and conclusion. Read more. apply filters cancel. Most essays are graded by GradeFixer's experts. Sentence Structure. Evidence and Details. Cannabis is cultivated commercially or grows wild in warm and tropical areas all over the world. This plant, the material to make marijuana, has appeared for a long time, the scientists have found that the Chinese used cannabis seed as one of their food sources Cannabis Marijuana Medical Marijuana.

Medical marijuana is one of the many controversial issues in society today. Medical marijuana has been continuous fight between the federal government, doctors, and patients. On another hand, studies have proven that medical marijuana can be extremely beneficial in eliminates side effect and is less Marijuana Legalization Medical Marijuana Society. Marijuana refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant. The plant contains the mind-altering chemical THC and other similar compounds. Extracts can also be made from the cannabis plant. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit Alternative Medicine Marijuana Medical Marijuana.

Medical marijuana uses can be traced back as early as B. C when an emperor named Shen Neng had taunted cannabis tea as a treatment for gout. Rheumatism And even poor memory. He had written a book called Mitch Earleywine, He is a Professor Of Marijuana Marijuana Legalization Medical Marijuana. Should medical marijuana be legalized? The controversy surrounding the use of marijuana leaves many unsure. However, is this stigma justified? After researching the issue and considering the pros and cons of the legalization of medical marijuana, I am inclined to believe that the bad reputation Medical Marijuana. Cannabis is a natural plant in which has many chemical properties. It is very important to address these strategically. Do not approach this section as space to plead your case.

Offer a brief summary of the situation, and then emphasize what you learned from such hardships. Always focus on the positive, illustrating how such difficulties made you stronger, more resilient, or more compassionate. Connect your experiences to the qualities desired by medical schools. Emphasize your ability to persevere through it all but do so in a positive way. Most of all, if you feel like you have to explain yourself, take accountability for the situation. State that it is unfortunate and then redirect it to what you learned and how it will make you a better doctor. Always focus on being positive and do not lament on the negative situation too much. Check out this video on the top 5 errors to avoid in your personal statement! The narrative you construct should display some of your most tightly held values, principles, or ethical positions, along with key accomplishments and activities.

If you see yourself as someone who is committed to community service, and you have a track record of such service, your story should feature this and provide insight into why you care about your community and what you learned from your experiences. Saying that you value community service when you've never volunteered a day in your life is pointless. Stating that your family is one where we support each other through challenge and loss if this is indeed true , is excellent because it lays the groundwork for telling a story while showing that you are orientated towards close relationships. You would then go on to offer a brief anecdote that supports this. You are showing how you live such principles, rather than just telling your reader that you have such principles.

A lot of students make the mistake of verbalizing their personal attributes with a bunch of adjectives, such as, "This experience taught me to be a self-reliant leader, with excellent communication skills, and empathy for others It's a mistake to simply list your skills or characteristics without showing the reader an example of a time you used them to solve a problem. If you simply list your skills or characteristics telling , without demonstrating the ways you have applied them showing , you risk coming across as arrogant. The person reading the essay may not believe you, as you've not really given them a way to see such values in your actions. It is better to construct a narrative to show the reader that you possess the traits that medical schools are looking for, rather than explicitly stating that you are an empathetic individual or capable of deep self-reflection.

Instead of listing adjectives, tell your personal story and allow the admissions committee to paint the picture for themselves. This step is very challenging for many students, but it's one of the most important strategies used in successful essays. Writing this way will absolutely make your statement stand out from the rest. While it may be tempting to write in a high academic tone, using terminology or jargon that is often complex or discipline-specific, requiring a specialized vocabulary for comprehension. You should actually aim to write for a non-specialist audience. Remember, in the world of medicine, describing a complex, clinical condition to a patient requires using specific but clear words.

This is why your personal statement should show that you can do the same thing. Using large words in unwieldy ways makes you sound like you are compensating for poor communication skills. Use words that you believe most people understand. Read your personal statement back to a year-old, and then again to someone for whom English is not their first language, to see if you're on the right path. Ultimately, fancy words do not make you a good communicator; listening and ensuring reader comprehension makes you a good communicator. Instead of using complex terminology to tell the admissions committee that you have strong communication skills, show them your communication skills through clear, accessible prose, written with non-specialists in mind. If you can say it in plain, accessible language, then this is what you should do.

Professionalism may seem like a difficult quality to display when only composing a personal statement. After all, the reader can't see your mannerisms, your personal style, or any of those little qualities that allow someone to appear professional. Professionalism is about respect for the experience of others on your team or in your workplace. It is displayed when you are able to step back from your own individual position and think about what is best for your colleagues and peers, considering their needs alongside your own. If a story is relevant to why you want to be a physician and demonstrates an example of how you were professional in a workplace setting, then it is appropriate to include in your essay.

One easy way to destroy a sense of professionalism is to act in a judgmental way towards others, particularly if you perceived and ultimately resolved an error on someone else's part. Sometimes students blame another medical professional for something that went wrong with a patient. They might say something to the effect of, "The nurse kept brushing off the patient's concerns, refusing to ask the attending to increase her pain medications. Luckily, being the empathetic individual that I am, I took the time to listen to sit with the patient, eventually bringing her concerns to the attending physician, who thanked me for letting him know. There are a couple of things wrong with this example.

It seems like this person is putting down someone else in an attempt to make themselves look better. They come across as un-empathetic and judgmental of the nurse. Maybe she was having a busy day, or maybe the attending had just seen the patient for this issue and the patient didn't really need re-assessment. Reading this kind of account in a personal statement makes the reader question the maturity of the applicant and their ability to move past blaming others and resolve problems in a meaningful way. Instead of allocating blame, identify what the problem was for the patient and then focus on what you did to resolve it and reflect on what you learned from the whole experience.

One last note on professionalism: Being professional does not mean being overly stoic, hiding your emotions, or cultivating a bland personality. A lot of students are afraid to talk about how a situation made them feel in their personal statement. They worry that discussing feelings is inappropriate and will appear unprofessional. Unfortunately for these students, emotional intelligence is hugely important to the practice of medicine. In order to be a good doctor, one must be aware of their own emotions as well as those of their patients. Good doctors are able to quickly identify their own emotions and understand how their emotional reactions may inform their actions, and the ability to deliver appropriate care, in a given situation.

Someone who is incapable of identifying their emotions is also incapable of managing them effectively and will likely struggle to identify the emotions of others. So, when writing your personal statement, think about how each experience made you feel, and what you learned from those feelings and that experience. As you can see, there is a LOT of planning and consideration to be done before actually starting your first draft. Properly brainstorming, outlining, and considering the content and style of your essay prior to beginning the essay will make the writing process much smoother than it would be you to try to jump right to the draft-writing stage.

Now, you're not just staring at a blank page wondering what you could possibly write to impress the admissions committee. Instead, you've researched what the school desires from its students and what the medical profession prioritizes in terms of personal characteristics, you've sketched out some key moments from your life that exemplify those traits, and you have a detailed outline that just needs filling in. As you're getting started, focus on getting content on the page, filling in your outline and getting your ideas arranged on the page. Your essay will go through multiple drafts and re-writes, so the first step is to free write and start articulating connections between your experiences and the characteristics you're highlighting. You can worry about flow, transitions, and perfect grammar in later drafts.

The first draft is always a working draft, written with the understanding that its purpose is to act as a starting point, not an ending point. Once you've completed a draft, you can begin the revising process. The next section will break down what to do once you have your first draft completed. You can also begin looking at things like style, voice, transitions, and overall theme. The best way to do this is to read your essay aloud. This may sound strange, but it is one of the single most impactful bits of writing advice a student can receive. When we're reading in our heads and particularly when we're reading our own words , it is easy to skip over parts that may be awkwardly worded, or where the grammar is off.

As our brains process information differently, depending on whether we're taking in visual or auditory information, this can also help you understand where the connections between ideas aren't as evident as you would like. Reading the essay aloud will help you begin internalizing the narrative you've crafted, so that you can come to more easily express this both formally in writing and informally in conversation for example, in an interview. Does your narrative sound unique? Is it different than your peers or did you write in a generic manner? Use your narrative to provide a compelling picture of who you are as a person, as a learner, as an advocate, and as a future medical professional.

What can you offer? Remember, you will be getting a lot out of your med school experience, but the school will be getting a lot out of you, as well. You will be contributing your research efforts to your department, you will be participating in the academic community, and as you go on to become a successful medical professional you will impact the perception of your school's prestige. This is a mutually beneficial relationship, so use this opportunity to highlight what you bring to the table, and what you will contribute as a student at their institution. Let them know what it is about you that is an attribute to their program. Make them see you as a stand out from the crowd. Personal statements are a blessing and a curse for admission committees.

They give them a better glimpse of who the applicant is than simple scores. Also, they are long and time-consuming to read. And often, they sound exactly alike. On occasion, a personal statement really makes an applicant shine. After reading page after page of redundant, cookie-cutter essays, an essay comes along with fluid prose and a compelling narrative, the reader snaps out of that feeling of monotony and gladly extends their enthusiastic attention. Frankly, if the statement is pleasant to read, it will get read with more attention and appreciation. Flow is easier to craft through narrative, which is why you should root the statement in a story that demonstrates characteristics desirable to medical schools. Fluidity takes time to build, though, so your statement should be etched out through many drafts and should also be based on an outline.

You need to brainstorm, then outline, then draft and re-draft, and then bring in editors and listeners for feedback Note: You need someone to proofread your work. Bestselling authors have editors. Top scholars have editors. I need an editor. You need an editor. Everyone needs an editor. Then, check and double-check and fix anything that needs fixing. Then check again. Then submit. You want this to be a statement that captures the reader's interest by creating a fluid, comprehensible piece that leads the reader to not only read each paragraph but want to continue to the next sentence. If you give yourself more than one night to write your statement, the chances of grammatical errors will decrease considerably. If you are pressed for time, upload your file into an online grammar website.

Use the grammar checker on your word processor, but know that this, in itself, isn't enough. Use the eyes and ears of other people to check and double-check your grammar, punctuation, and syntax. Read your statement out loud to yourself and you will almost certainly find an error and likely several errors. Use fresh eyes to review the statement several times before you actually submit it, by walking away from it for a day or so and then re-reading it. Start your essay early, so that you actually have time to do this. This step can make or break your essay. Do not waste all the effort you have put into writing, to only be discarded by the committee for using incorrect grammar and syntax. The most important tip in writing a strong application essay is this getting someone else to read your work.

While the tips above are all very useful for writing a strong draft, nothing will benefit you more than getting an outside appraisal of your work. For example, it's very easy to overlook your own spelling or grammatical errors. You know your own story and you may think that your narrative and it's meaning make sense to your reader. You won't know that for sure without having someone else actually read it. This may sound obvious, but it's still an absolute necessity. Have someone you trust to read the essay and ask them what they thought of it. What was their impression of you after reading it? Did it make sense? Was it confusing? Do they have any questions? What was the tone of the essay? Do they see the connections you're trying to make? What were their takeaways from your essay, and do these align with your intended takeaways for your reader?

Ideally, this person should have some knowledge of the application process or the medical profession, so that they can say whether you were successful in demonstrating that you are a suitable candidate for medical school. However, any external reader is better than no external reader at all. Avoid having people too close to you read your work. They may refrain from being too critical in an effort to spare your feelings. This is the time to get brutal, honest feedback. If you know someone who is an editor but do not feel that they can be objective, try and find someone else. Would you like 8 medical school personal statement tips? Check out our video below:. Click here to view the example. Names and identifying characteristics have been changed. Plagiarism detection software is used when evaluating personal statements.

Plagiarism is grounds for disqualification from the application. So let's help you get started writing your own personal statement. Let's approach this step-by-step. Below you will see how we will outline the steps to creating your very best personal statement. Check out AMCAS personal statement examples, AACOMAS personal statement examples and TMDSAS personal statement examples for more excellent essays. Your personal statement should tell your story and highlight specific experiences or aspects of your journey that have led you to medicine. If your first exposure or interest in the medical field was sparked from your own medical struggles, then you can certainly include this in your statement. What is most important is that you write about what factors or experiences attributed to you deciding that medicine is the right career path for you.

Sometimes students shy away from including their own personal struggles and describing how they felt during difficult times but this is a great way for admissions committees to gain perspective into who you are as a person and where your motivations lie. Remember, this is your story, not someone else's, so your statement should revolve around you. If you choose to discuss a personal hardship, what's most important is that you don't cast yourself as the victim and that you discuss what the experience taught you. Also, medical schools are not allowed to discriminate against students for discussing medical issues, so it is not looked at as a red flag unless you are talking about an issue inappropriately.

For example, making yourself appear as the victim or not taking responsibility. All US medical schools require the completion of a personal statement with your AMCAS, TMDSAS or AACOMAS applications. Medical schools in Canada on the other hand, do not require or accept personal statements. In lieu of the personal statement, a few of these schools may require you to address a prompt in the form of an essay, or allow you to submit an explanation essay to describe any extenuating circumstances, but this is not the same as the US personal statement. For example, when applying through OMSAS , the University of Toronto medical school requires applicants to complete four short, words or less, personal essays.

Many students struggle with whether or not they should address an unfavorable grade in their personal statement. What one student does isn't necessarily the right decision for you. To help you decide, think about whether or not that bad grade might reflect on your poorly. If you think it will, then it's best to address the academic misstep head-on instead of having admissions committees dwell on possible areas of concern. If you're addressing a poor evaluation, ensure that you take responsibility for your grade, discuss what you learned and how your performance will be improved in the future - then move on.

It's important that you don't play the victim and you must always reflect on what lessons you've learned moving forward. Of course not, just because you didn't wake up one morning and notice a lightbulb flashing the words medicine, doesn't mean that your experiences and journey to medicine are inferior to those who did. Students arrive to medicine in all sorts of ways, some change career paths later in life, some always knew they wanted to pursue medicine, and others slowly became interested in medicine through their life interactions and experiences. Your personal statement should address your own unique story to how you first became interested in medicine and when and how that interest turned to a concrete desire.

While your entire statement is important, the opening sentence can often make or break your statement. This is because admission committee members are reviewing hundreds, if not thousands of personal statements. If your opening sentence is not eye-catching, interesting, and memorable, you risk your statement blending in with the large pile of other statements. Have a look at our video above for tips and strategies for creating a fantastic opening sentence. Having your statement reviewed by family and friends can be a good place to start, but unfortunately, it's near-impossible for them to provide you with unbiased feedback. Often, friends and family members are going to support us and rave about our achievements. Even if they may truly think your statement needs work, they may feel uncomfortable giving you their honest feedback at the risk of hurting your feelings.

In addition, family and friends don't know exactly what admission committee members are looking for in a personal statement, nor do they have years of experience reviewing personal statements and helping students put the best version of themselves forward. For these reasons, many students choose to seek the help of a professional medical school advisor to make sure they have the absolute best chances of acceptance to medical school the first time around. If you have enough time set aside to write your statement without juggling multiple other commitments, it normally takes at least four weeks to write your statement. If you are working, in school, or volunteering and have other commitments, be prepared to spend weeks. Your conclusion should have a summary of the main points you have made in your essay, but it should not just be a summary.

You should also end with something that makes the reader want to learn more about you i. call you for an interview. A good way to do this is to include a call-back to your opening anecdote: how have you grown or matured since then? How are you more prepared now to begin medical school? The goal is to show as many of them as you can in the WHOLE application: this includes your personal statement, sketch, reference letters, secondary essays, and even your GPA and MCAT which show critical thinking and reasoning already. Yes, you can. However, if you used an experience as a most meaningful entry, pick something else to talk about in your essay. Remember, you want to highlight as many core competencies across your whole application. Or, if you do pick the same experience: pick a different specific encounter or project with a different lesson learned.

Once your essay is in good shape, it's best to submit to ensure your application is reviewed as soon as possible. Remember, with rolling admissions, as more time passes before you submit your application, your chances of acceptance decreases. Nerves are normal and wanting to tinker is also normal, but over-analyzing and constant adjustments can actually weaken your essay. So, if you're thinking about making more changes, it's important to really reflect and think about WHY you want to change something and if it will actually make the essay stronger. If not your changes won't actually make the essay stronger or if it's a very minor change you're thinking of making, then you should likely leave it as is.

The reality is, medical school admission is an extremely competitive process. In order to have the best chance of success, every part of your application must be stellar. Also, every year some students get in whose GPAs or MCAT scores are below the median. Simply because they must have stood out in other parts of the application, such as the personal statement. The ones that honestly made the most impact on you. You'll need to reflect on your whole life and think about which experiences helped you grow and pushed you to pursue medicine. Ideally, experiences that show commitment and progression are better than one-off or short-term activities, as they usually contribute more to growth. This Ultimate Guide has demonstrated all the work that needs to be done to compose a successful, engaging personal statement for your medical school application.

While it would be wonderful if there was an easy way to write your personal statement in a day, the reality is that this kind of composition takes a lot of work. As daunting as this may seem, this guide lays out a clear path. In summary, the following 5 steps are the basis of what you should take away from this guide. These 5 steps are your guide and sort of cheat sheet to writing your best personal statement. While a strong personal statement alone will not guarantee admission to medical school, it could absolutely squeeze you onto a medical school waitlist , off the waitlist, and onto the offer list, or give someone on the admissions committee a reason to go to battle for your candidacy. Use this as an opportunity to highlight the incredible skills you've worked and studied to refine, the remarkable life experiences you've had, and the key qualities you possess in your own unique way.

Show the admissions committee that you are someone they want to meet. Remember, in this context, wanting to meet you means wanting to bring you in for an interview! Lauren Prufer is an admissions expert at BeMo. Prufer is also a medical resident at McMaster University. Her medical degree is from the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry. During her time in medical school, she developed a passion for sharing her knowledge with others through medical writing, research, and peer mentoring. Easiest Medical Schools to Get into in. Medical Schools That Don't Require The MCAT in. Medical School Acceptance Rates in. Our site uses cookies. By using our website, you agree with our cookie policy.

Medicine Residency Law Graduate College Dentistry Other. Blog Resources Scholarship. Who We Are Work With Us Our Culture Our Philosophy Press. Call or Text. Blog Medical School. Medical School Personal Statement Examples: 20 Best in Including One That Got SIX Acceptances! Updated: Dec 06, Article Contents. Listen to the blog! Let's review another example now before we teach you exactly how to do this on your own: Example 2 I was one of those kids who always wanted to be doctor. Did My Essay Flow and is it Comprehensible? Did You Check Your Grammar? Did You Gather Feedback From Other People? Brainstorming Ideas for the Medical School Personal Statement You want to give yourself as much time as possible to write your statement. Here are some additional questions you can consider as you go about brainstorming for your essay: What motivates you to learn more about medicine?

What is something you want them to know about you that isn't in your application? Where were you born, how did you grow up, and what type of childhood did you have growing up perhaps including interesting stories about your siblings, parents, grandparents? What kinds of early exposure to the medical field left an impression on you as a child? Did you become familiar with and interested in the field of medicine at an early stage of your life? If so, why? What are your key strengths, and how have you developed these? What steps did you take to familiarize yourself with the medical profession?

Did you shadow a physician? Did you volunteer or work in a clinical setting? Did you get involved in medical research? What challenges have you faced? Have these made an impact on what you chose to study? What are your favorite activities? What kinds of extracurriculars for medical school or volunteer work have you done, and how have these shaped who you are, your priorities, and or your perspectives on a career in medicine? What was your "Aha! When did your desire to become a doctor solidify? How did you make the decision to apply to medical school? Check out this medical school personal statement examples video to help you brainstorm ideas for your essay: Considering Your Audience As you begin thinking about what to include in your personal essay, remember that you are writing for a specific audience with specific expectations.

These are separated into four general categories: Interpersonal Competencies : service orientation, social skills, cultural competence, teamwork, and oral communication. The moment your passion for medicine crystallized The events that led you toward this path Specific instances in which you experienced opportunities Challenges that helped shape your worldview Your compassion, resilience, or enthusiastic collaboration Demonstrate your commitment to others Your dependability Your leadership skills Your ability to problem-solve or to resolve a conflict These are personal, impactful experiences that only you have had. Theme Admissions committees don't want your resumé in narrative form. Check out our video to learn how to create a killer introduction to your medical school personal statement: Introduction The introductory paragraph and, even more importantly, the introductory sentence of your essay, will most certainly make or break your overall statement.

Sample Introduction I was convinced I was going to grow up to be a professional chef. Body In the body of your essay, you essentially want to elaborate on the ideas that you have introduced in your opening paragraph by drawing on your personal experiences to provide evidence. Conclusion Your final statement should not be a simple summary of the things you have discussed. Additional Mistakes to Avoid in Personal Statements: Re-list your entire CV or activity sketch. Be pretentious. Every applicant is extraordinary, and so are you. Use your story to imply your excellence; don't hit people over the head with it.

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