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Should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay

Should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay

The family as a basic unit of society must include gay couples since we live in the land of the free. The Williams Institute. Gay marriage is a less relevant topic that minimal discussion of the same is given thereby neglecting the needs of a few gay individuals. All Poetry Free Verse Song Lyrics Sonnet Haiku Limerick Ballad Back. College Should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay College Links College Reviews College Essays College Articles Back.

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Special offer! Promo code: SAVE For many years now, same-sex marriage has been a controversial topic. While some countries have legalized the practice, others still consider it not right and treat it as illegal. Same-sex marriage is defined as a marriage or union between two people of the same sex, such as a man and a man. Some countries have broadened their perspective on this issue even though for many years, it has never been legally acknowledged, with some societies even considering it a taboo. Irrespective of any arguments, same-sex marriage should be legal because it should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay a fundamental human right.

First, same-sex marriage, if recognized by society, provides legal rights protection to same sex couples on such matters as taxes, finances, and health care. If people live together in a homosexual relationship without being legally married, they do not enjoy the security to protect what they have worked for and saved together. Legalizing same-sex unions would cushion homosexual partners from such unfortunate situations. They would have the right to become heirs to their spouses and enjoy tax breaks just like heterosexual married couples. Legalization would also make it possible for them to purchase properties together, open joint accounts, and sign documents together as couples. Same sex marriage also allows two people in love to become one in a matrimonial union and live happily together.

Denying homosexual couples the right to marry is thus denying them the right to be in love just like heterosexuals do. Moreover, the definition of marriage does not suggest that it should only be should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay exclusive union between two people of opposite sexes. According to Gerstmannmarriage is a formally or legally recognized union between two people in a personal relationship. As per this definition, people should be allowed to marry once they are in love with each other irrespective of their genders. Reducing marriage to a union between a man and woman is thus a direct infringement into the rights of homosexuals.

Additionally, gay marriages give homosexual couples the right to start families. Just like heterosexual couples, gay and lesbian partners should be allowed to start families and have their own children. Essentially, should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay family should ideally have parents and children and it should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay not necessary that the parents be a male and female. Same sex partners can easily adopt and bring up children if their marriage is legalized and recognized by the society in which they live Should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay, As one would concur, should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay, even some heterosexual couples are not able to sire their own children and resort to adopting one or even more.

This is a right that should be extended to same sex couples too given that they may not be able to give birth on their own. Further, same sex marriage does no harm whatsoever to the institution of marriage, and is potentially more stable. This makes it quite uncalled for to argue against or prohibit gay marriages. In yet another study, only 1. This implies that heterosexual marriages have a slightly higher dissolution rate on average than opposite sex marriages. It could then be argued that gay marriages are more stable than traditional man-woman marriages. The two types of marriages should thus be given equal chance because neither affects the other negatively.

They also have more or less equal chances of succeeding if legally recognized and accepted. Opponents of same sex marriage may argue that it is important for children to have a father and a mother. They may say that for children to have a good balance in their upbringing, they should be influenced by a father and a mother in their developmental years. Such arguments hold that homosexual couples only have one gender influence over the lives of children and that this is less fulfilling Badgett, However, the arguments fail to recognize that children under the parental care of same sex couples get to mingle with both male and female genders in various social places.

At school, the children get to be cared for and mentored by both male and female teachers who more or less serve almost the same role as parents. Should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay who are opposed to same sex unions may also argue that such marriages reduce sanctity of marriage. To them, marriage is a religious and traditional commitment and ceremony that is held very sacred by people. They contend that there is need to do everything possible to preserve marriage because as an institution, it has been degrading slowly over time. Their concern is that traditional marriages are being devalued by same sex marriages which are swaying people away from being married and instead choosing to live with same sex partners Nagle, It is clear here that such arguments treat marriage as a man-woman union only and are thus not cognizant of the true meaning of marriage.

Moreover, they fail to recognize that traditions and religions should not be used against same sex couples because there are people who do not ascribe to any tradition s or religions. Same sex marriage is a human right that should be enjoyed just like traditional heterosexual marriages. It protects the legal rights of lesbian and gay couples and allows them the well-deserved opportunity of actualizing their love in matrimony. In addition, it enables them to exercise their right to start families and bring up children. Arguments made against this form of marriage, such as that it undermines traditional marriages, are based on opinions and not facts. Moreover, it is not important for a child to have a father and a mother because there are other places in which they actively interact with people of different sexes.

As such, it is only fair that all governments consider legalizing gay marriages. Badgett, M. Patterns of relationship recognition by same-sex couples in the United States [PDF]. The Williams Institute. When gay people get married: what happens when societies legalize same-sex marriage. New York, NY: NYU Press. Gerstmann, E. Same-sex marriage and the constitution. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Langbein, L. Same-sex marriage and negative externalities. Social Science Quarterly90 2 Nagle, J. Same-sex marriage: the debate. New York, NY: The Rosen Publishing Group, should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay.

Winter, B. Global perspectives on same-sex marriage: a neo-institutional approach. New York, NY: Springer. Same-sex marriage provides legal rights protection to same sex couples on such matters as taxes, finances, and health care. Opponents of same sex marriage may argue that it is important for children to have a father and mother for a balanced upbringing. com is a leading academic writing service that is dedicated to providing extra support and help to students all over the world. Through our website, students can request for help in a diverse range of subjects and disciplines, should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay.

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So gay marriage should be legal because it brings a lot of money to the government. Gay marriage would make it easier for same-sex couples to adopt, providing stable homes for children who would otherwise be left in foster care. Since same-sex couples can't make kids, they would adopt children who are in need of a family instead of them staying in foster care. According to Procon. Secondly, children who need to be adopted do not choose the sex of their new parents, all they need is two loving parents who would care for them no matter of their gender. The more gay marriage legalized the more children are out of foster care. Gay marriage is protected by the Constitution's commitments to liberty and equality.

As a start, we all have the right to do whatever we want and we all have the right to love who we want. If a person wants to marry somebody who has the same sex as them, then let I believe it should be legal because we all have freedom and equality in this country. According to the website procon. Opponents of gay marriage feel that it should be illegal because it may lead to more children being raised in same-sex households, which they claim is not an optimum environment because children need both a mother and father. First of all, this claim is inaccurate because same-sex couples adopt children who are in need of parents the sex of the parents does not matter to them as long as they got people who loves them According to Procon.

The prosecution also argues that marriage is a privilege not a right. This claim is false because gay marriage is a civil right. According To procon. Virginia confirmed that marriage is "one of the basic civil rights of man," [60] and same-sex marriages should receive the same protections given to interracial marriages by that ruling. Sex does not matter, love matters. In conclusion, gay marriage should be legal for several reasons. First, it can bring financial gain to state and local government. Second, it would make it easier for same-sex couples to adopt, providing stable homes for children who would otherwise be left in foster care.

Finally, gay marriage is protected by the Constitution's commitments to liberty and equality. On that note, everybody has the right to marry whoever they want. If America is really the place where everybody has their own freedom, and rights, then why marrying who you want is not legal? Just put yourself in their shoes. They did not choose to be different. They are also people like everyone else. So we should all stand up and help gay people get their rights. Thank you for sharing this page with a friend! Which of your works would you like to tell your friends about?

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It could then be argued that gay marriages are more stable than traditional man-woman marriages. The two types of marriages should thus be given equal chance because neither affects the other negatively. They also have more or less equal chances of succeeding if legally recognized and accepted. Opponents of same sex marriage may argue that it is important for children to have a father and a mother. They may say that for children to have a good balance in their upbringing, they should be influenced by a father and a mother in their developmental years. Such arguments hold that homosexual couples only have one gender influence over the lives of children and that this is less fulfilling Badgett, However, the arguments fail to recognize that children under the parental care of same sex couples get to mingle with both male and female genders in various social places.

At school, the children get to be cared for and mentored by both male and female teachers who more or less serve almost the same role as parents. Those who are opposed to same sex unions may also argue that such marriages reduce sanctity of marriage. To them, marriage is a religious and traditional commitment and ceremony that is held very sacred by people. They contend that there is need to do everything possible to preserve marriage because as an institution, it has been degrading slowly over time. Their concern is that traditional marriages are being devalued by same sex marriages which are swaying people away from being married and instead choosing to live with same sex partners Nagle, It is clear here that such arguments treat marriage as a man-woman union only and are thus not cognizant of the true meaning of marriage.

Moreover, they fail to recognize that traditions and religions should not be used against same sex couples because there are people who do not ascribe to any tradition s or religions. Same sex marriage is a human right that should be enjoyed just like traditional heterosexual marriages. It protects the legal rights of lesbian and gay couples and allows them the well-deserved opportunity of actualizing their love in matrimony. In addition, it enables them to exercise their right to start families and bring up children. Arguments made against this form of marriage, such as that it undermines traditional marriages, are based on opinions and not facts.

Moreover, it is not important for a child to have a father and a mother because there are other places in which they actively interact with people of different sexes. As such, it is only fair that all governments consider legalizing gay marriages. Badgett, M. Patterns of relationship recognition by same-sex couples in the United States [PDF]. The Williams Institute. When gay people get married: what happens when societies legalize same-sex marriage. New York, NY: NYU Press. Gerstmann, E. Same-sex marriage and the constitution. While it is true that gay marriage is outlawed in many parts of the United States, there are still government leaders in a few states that was able to successfully legalized gay marriages.

The reason behind this fact is that people who believe on the principle of equality are increasing and that gays are humans too and not circus animals. It is easy for the people to speak about equality like equal rights for homosexuals such that they should be given the same rights in housing, jobs, government benefits access, accommodations in public, and equal protection of the law, but when gay marriage is mentioned, there is an end of discussion Bidstrup 1. Gay marriage is a less relevant topic that minimal discussion of the same is given thereby neglecting the needs of a few gay individuals.

However, negligence in looking into the society deeply might be the reason why many families suffer from marital problems. Gays should be given a chance to express their feelings towards another man because they are humans too. Love is compared to a prism that has number of sides through which a spectrum of beautiful colors is refracted. Love is the basic reason why individuals marry each other. Love is wonderful and as such, all people are free to express the same. And what makes a person think that only individuals who are both male and female have the chance to love? It is a selfish act to confine expression of love within a male-female relationship when gays are also entitled to do so when the law can be adjusted in its favor. People are raising this question: should gay marriage be legalized?

This question arises because it is true that gay marriage is considered as not socially acceptable. People do not think that gay people should have the right to get married. They think that gays should be happy with the rights that are already given to them. But the public must be aware that gays are loyal to their mates and are monogamous being devoted partners Bidstrup 1. In other words, it is not true that gays are promiscuous and are not able to form and build long lasting relationships. In addition, gays are also capable of building a family if ever married to another gay.

Gays value family relationships and takes part in family activities as family life is a reflection of their uniqueness as human beings Bidstrup 1. Besides, gays honor and abide by the laws of the land just like other people in the society. The ability of gays to promote peace and self-reliance is noticeable and there is no reason that they could not perform the basic responsibilities to build a family. Moreover, there are countries outside the United States that legalized same-sex marriage for the reason that gays should be given equal rights as human beings.

In the year , Denmark legalized same-sex marriage while Israel did the same the next year Mathews 1. In the year , Sweden followed suit Mathews 1. There is also an intensified debate about same sex unions in the United States for the past three years. Pro-gay advocates exist within the United States and it was their position that gay marriage should be allowed so as not to commit miscarriage of civil liberties Mathews 1. The disadvantage of preventing gay marriage to happen includes heartbreaking situations like disallowance to visit one another during illness and emergency situations. Gay marriage should be legalized so that a gay partner can have the same right in terms of adoption and medical rights. Adoption is the primary option given by gays with respect to their inability to procreate children Johnson 1.

Adoption is basically given as a right to married couples who want to expand the membership of their families. Since the absence of same sex marriage disallows gays to adopt a child, it would be a difficult situation for them to be denied a chance to care and love adopted children Crumley 1. We are aware that gays are also capable of nurturing children and the fact that there are gays who chose to marry a girl, taking care of an offspring is normal for them Belge 2. So then, is it not selfish to allow gays to adopt children and be legally married to their loved ones? I know that it is our responsibility to ponder on these things and support the legalization of gay marriage. If not, we will surely fall prey to ignorance and negligence as we continue limit our understanding on what has been considered as usual and normal activities in the community where we live.

Furthermore, the United States is the land of the free. It is a mockery to the spirit of the Constitution when limits to the right to marry would be continuously followed. The chance to be happy must be accorded to everyone if a wise interpretation of the fundamental law of the land is to be made. An option to marry and be a permanent partner to a gay individual must be accorded to everyone no matter what the gender may be. It is useless to preach on equality and unconditional love when its expression is limited only to the majority. How about the gay couples?

They are not male and females who entered into a wonderful relationship but they too knows how to love unconditionally. The redefinition of marriage is relevant nowadays Stewart 1. Is it not a problem that there are many families that are considered dysfunctional? These families have parents that male or female and children that are procreated by them. Why not give chances to gays who can adopt and care for a child? It is just a matter of open-mindedness and tolerance, after all the basic purpose of living life is to find happiness hence, the pursuit for happiness. The family as a basic unit of society must include gay couples since we live in the land of the free.

The essence of living freely is not finding anyone unable to express love and devotion to a marital partner despite the absence of damage or injury to other people. If freedom and liberty is too expensive, then how can we afford to live in a democratic country? Well, gay marriage must be legalized for all we know it could be an ingredient for a progressive and peaceful country. In addition, religion and the churches should not interfere with the government with respect to options in legalizing gay marriage. It is usual that when gay marriage is a topic, legal concerns would come into the surface. However, we should realize that religious concerns also affect the choice of legalizing gay marriages Mags 1. While it is true that the three major religions in the world involving Islam, Judaism and Christianity have been opposed to same sex union, it is also acceptable a present time that many religious people no longer follow the traditional beliefs against same sex marriage.

It is a surprise that the Jews, as well as some Christian nations support gay marriage Mags 1. In essence, the traditional religious views on same sex union are becoming weaker as more people opened their eyes to the advantages of gay marriage Mags 1. Therefore, religious views against same sex marriage no longer holds true today for people who think twice about the necessity of gay marriage. According to proponents of same sex marriage, they already debunked the scriptural arguments on marriage such that they believe that it was misunderstood and taken out of context.

It is acceptable that gays should be given the right to get married with another gay and at the same time prevent overpopulation as they cannot bear children. With that, twin matters are met, the promotion of equality and the avoidance of overpopulation. The move to promote conceptive measures rendered nugatory and useless the belief that families should multiply here on earth. The Opposition on Gay Marriage However, there are opponents of gay marriage who provided strong arguments regarding the promiscuousness of same sex union. The primary reason why gay marriage is not acceptable is religious belief.

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