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Writing experience essay sample

Writing experience essay sample

We memorize them and one of the topics would come in the test. Other suggestions for improvement were "purely editorial" such as the overuse of adjectives and adverbs, using a passive voice, and making contradictory statements. Answer: You need to use a time writing experience essay sample word or phrase which tells the reader it is in the past, such as "seven years ago," or "when I was twelve. Tell your story by composing an experience essay. Sometimes the scholarship application specifically mentions the word count for students.

What Makes a Great Essay

Writing is an art but difficult process for me. Nobody born as a writer but he gains the experience to be able to express writing experience essay sample thoughts to others. My experience in writing was very minimal. English is not my native language and was not emphasized in my high school. English writing was basically attested of memory for students. They give us different topics and they give us sample writing. We memorize them and one of the topics would come in the test. We write just because we memorized them. Before I come to University of Louisville I went to intensive English Institute at University of Knoxville for one semester. I did several writing including arguments, personal essays, and research paper, writing experience essay sample. I also learned how to build sentences and paragraphs.

The limitation of the English vocabulary made it hard for me to put my thoughts together and clear about certain subject to present it to my audience. I also face difficulties with grammar, specifically with sentence structure. Writing experience essay sample am always confused what type of sentence I should use, or how to word and punctuate a sentence to express the idea I want. I struggle in transitions throughout paragraphs and thoughts, and give my papers a smoothness that I would like to. Every time Whenever I get my essay back, the teacher puts circles all over the paper. Also, my essays are so short, which is why that I am constantly getting low grades for my English classes. I can never think of anything to write about to make the essay longer and it is very frustrating.

I started to look for my weaknesses and strengths in writing and how to improve my language. To overcome my writing weaknesses skills I had to take more English courses to improve my writing skills and learn a lot about the writing process. Writing does not come spontaneously, but is suffering from the moment of emergence of idea, and then its fermentation in mind until we write it to the audience. I also start reading English newspapers, Nnovels and stories to gather creditable information to support what I write and present it to my audience. Nobody doubts that the brain is like a sponge, and we are like mirrors. We reflect back into the world all that we have taken in. Therefore, I start reading several books in several forms from several eras and different regions written by several authors in order to improve my style of writing as well.

Everything I have learned is useful and helpful to guide me to write my term papers and essays. I think my writing is still basic, and I have to work harder to enhance my writing ability while I am in the university, to be able to organize my thoughts to make sense. I also need to write term papers and researches to make them understood understandable by to the readers. Using the internet is very useful for writing researches as I am always able to support my ideas with adding quotations and facts from other sources to my papers to convince my audience. Writing research is easier nowadays because Oof the complete online library in the internet. I can easily search for writing experience essay sample topic and collect enough information about it, that help helps me to express my ideas to my readers.

I always find it hard to think in my native language Arabic, writing experience essay sample, and writing experience essay sample translate it to English. Therefore, living in America helped me to understand some idioms which I do not have them in my native language. Using these expressions in my writing make the language I use more colorful, writing experience essay sample. The paper "Writing experience" was contributed to our database by a real student. You can use this work as a reference for your own writing or as a starting point for your research. You must properly cite any portion of this sample before using it. If this work is your intellectual property and you no longer would like it to appear in our database, please request its deletion.

Writing experience. Do you have more ideas on how to improve Writing experience? Please share them with us by writing at the [email protected]. Essay, 3 pages words, writing experience essay sample. Download PDF DOCX. Subjects: Education, Learning. Save to Library Sample Saved Save to Library Remove from Library. Published: November 27, Updated: November 27, Language: English Downloads: Thanks, this is helpful Thanks, this is helpful Sorry, it didn't help Sorry, it didn't help. Thanks for voting and helping us improve! Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Reddit Share to LinkedIn. Ask for Removal. Create a Citation on Essay Harvard APA-6 Chicago A-D Chicago N-B MLA-8 References PaperPrompt.

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It is a coming of age essay. When thinking about your own essay topic, try to think about moments in your life which were important turning points. The event can be something small and doesn't have to be dramatic. What is important is the significance of that event in your life. See the chart below for some ideas. Do you have a favorite memory of your father? Of sports? Of childhood? Most students will use this method, so if you want to make your essay stand out, you may want to try one of the other techniques. When you do use this method remember:. Say, "Maura was a sleek, 5 foot 10, long-haired, blonde who never tired of talking about her exotic vacations or newest boyfriend. Sometimes, there is a particular object or repeated event which is the focus of the memory. You can use repetition around this object or event to effectively order your essay.

Did you have a moment when you felt carefree? When you returned to childhood? When you did something crazy? GLady CC0 via Public Domain via Pixaby. Generally, it helps to keep the essay focused on one to three important memories about that person. These memories can be specific events best , or anecdotes about events that happened repeatedly. Characteristics of this sort of essay:. Choose 1 or 2 main points to make: Trying to explain everything that person means to you is too much to do in a short essay. All of your descriptions and all of your stories should be centered around proving these main points. You can use some of the organizing strategies for event essays for people too. Here are some suggestions:.

Notice that both views are found in each paragraph or section. This paper is ordered thematically. Another possibility is to talk about all the views of another person first, then talk about your views. Answer: One really good way is to just start writing down everything you can think of that has to do with that personal experience: sights, sounds, memories, smells, and feelings. When you do this sort of brainstorming, you don't have to worry about grammar or even writing complete sentences. Just write a list of everything you can remember.

Sometimes people make this using a web, with the main idea in the middle and lines going out to show the connecting ideas. Whichever way you write it, this brainstorm list gives you a start for your ideas. After that, you will need to organize your information in order to write the essay. You can use the ideas in this article for that. You might also want to look at some of my other articles and my Personal Experience Essay example that is linked to this article. Another good article to look at is "How to Write a Great Thesis for your Essay. Question: Do you think "Describe some memorable things that happened to you recently, and tell why these experiences were meaningful to you? Answer: Your question is basically the main idea of most personal experience essays which have to do with recalling a specific experience.

I always suggest that to make a good essay, students focus on a very specific moment in time. Try to describe that experience so that the reader feels they are there. Question: In a school project, they asked us to take a self-help habit and pretend it was written about you and your life. We need to write a page in our book about that. How do I do this? Answer: You probably need to talk with the instructor. Since I am not familiar with what your book is supposed to include, I can't offer specific information. However, it sounds to me as if you are supposed to describe yourself as doing this self-help habit and tell how this habit changes your life for the better.

Answer: 1. Expectations: describe what you were expecting before you went. This introduction technique is especially effective if your expectations were reversed. Vivid description: Tell the scene in vivid sensory detail, perhaps focusing on the setting or on one or two children. Question: How do I think of something to write about? Like something that left a mark in my life? Answer: Many events, large and small, can make good essays. My sample essay takes a small event, going to the beach, and expands on the meaning that has had in my life. Often, the easiest and best essays are written about something which is ordinary but which has shaped you.

That can be a place you visit all the time, a family tradition, a place that makes you feel peaceful, or a one-time event which you feel changed your direction in life. Sometimes, students worry that they don't have any dramatic story to tell. However, I often find that the dramatic stories especially if they are recent are harder for students to actually pull the meaning out of. In fact, some large events in our lives are things we don't fully understand until we are much older like a parent's divorce or the loss of a loved one. One way to get a topic is to think about your emotions towards something or some place or memory. If you have strong emotions, then you will probably have a meaning you can draw from that experience.

Question: For a personal essay, is an experience better if it is something that you think has only ever happened to you? Answer: An experience essay can be written about an experience that is unique, but it doesn't have to be. Your experience and reaction will be interesting to the reader if it is something that they have not experienced, but it may actually be more interesting to them if they have also experienced something similar. It is important to think about that while you write. You might want to say things like:. Even though this is something other people may have experienced, I had never thought it would happen to me Question: I would like to write about my sister's death. What would be a good way to introduce the topic? Answer: I am very sorry for the loss of your sister, but I think that in writing about it you can use both share about her life with others and also help your own grieving process.

You can an essay about someone who has died at the moment you learn she is ill, or has passed away. Or you can start it at the funeral and then flash back to her death and explain along the way how that affected you and what she meant to you. However, often the best way to start this sort of essay is to tell a short, favorite story about your sister which explains her importance in your life. Then you can flash forward to some point in time which involves the main story and tell about that experience. Your conclusion can tie those two stories together as you use the first story to explain the effect her death has had on you.

Answer: You need to use a time transition word or phrase which tells the reader it is in the past, such as "seven years ago," or "when I was twelve. Question: I need to write an article about my experience as a TB patient. What is the best way to start my article? Answer: Start with a story that illustrates the main point you want to make, or which startles the reader with your experiences. Perhaps you can tell about when you got the disease, or how people reacted to hearing you were ill. Another possibility is to start with the story of a good or bad experience with the health care system. Question: I am a native of Uganda, and at one point lived in poverty. What would be a good way to write about my experience in an essay?

Answer: Start by telling a story of a time when you were living in poverty. You might want to start in the present moment when you see someone else living in poverty and then flashback to a story about your own life. Then come back to the present moment and tell how you feel about the time in your life now, and what you have learned from the experiences you had. You also might want to talk about how that has changed you and influenced your thinking and how you act now. If you want, you can end with something like helping out the person you see, or encouraging your reader to think, act, or believe something different about poverty.

Answer: Stress is a common experience and writing a paper about your personal experiences with stressful situations is an interesting idea. Here are some topic ideas:. Question: What is the best way to start my essay about my experience with adapting to a new country with a new language and culture? Answer: Start with a conversation or story about a time that you either misunderstood someone, or they misunderstood you. To make this most effective, try to choose a time which was either funny or embarrassing. Question: What is the best way to start my essay of experiencing life on a farm? Answer: I think the best way of starting a farm essay is to tell a story. You can either tell a typical morning or a typical day of your life on the farm or tell a story of a dramatic event like the birth of a calf or a difficult time with crops or weather.

The story you tell should relate to the meaning you want to express to the reader at the end of the essay. For example, if you want to explain how living on a farm has made you an independent thinker and able to deal with a crisis effectively, you can start with a story that shows you doing that, or shows a time when the circumstances forced you to develop those character qualities. If you want to explain the beauty of living in nature on a farm, you can tell a story of what it is like to see the sunrise each day, or tell what it is like to walk along the land of your property and explain in vivid sensory detail what you see, hear, smell and feel.

Answer: Writing about your personal experience while traveling is not only an excellent topic, it is a genre all of its own. Rick Steeves is a radio commentator who has on guests each week who give travelogue experiences as well as recommendations. What you need to do for a good travel experience paper is to describe a few things very vividly and then explain how those experiences impacted your life. You might talk about something you saw, someone you met, or some part of history you came to understand. Another thing you can use is the experience of traveling and what you learned about yourself.

Question: What are the points to consider while writing my story on how I almost got molested by a neighbor? Answer: Quite honestly, I would be very cautious in writing a story about this if it is for a class. You would have to be careful with the language you used and want to be sure you did not cause undue stress to another person who may have faced actual abuse. I always tell my students that writing about anything deeply personal is a wonderful idea because it helps you to come to a better understanding of how that particular incident affected your life. However, writing about a deeply personal event for a class is the same as writing it for the public because lots of other people may see this if you are doing any sort of peer editing in the class. If only the teacher sees it, you may have a different situation.

However, I think the best thing to do is to talk to your instructor. Question: "Describe your experiences with issues of diversity. Answer: Generally talking about your experiences with diversity means giving examples of times when you had encounters with people who are different from you in race, socio-economic status, culture, or some other life experience which you are not familiar with. Question: How can I set a scene in my personal experience essay for a student not willing to go the gym? Answer: An excellent way to set a scene of conflict is to use dialogue.

You could have the teacher telling the class what to do and then talking with the student who says they do not want to go. Then you can tell the inner thoughts of the teacher about the situation. You will probably also want to look at my example of a reflection essay for help. Question: Concerning writing a personal experience essay, is it possible to write about a person you lost? Answer: While I always suggest that people check with their instructor to find out if there are any restrictions in the assignment, I would say that writing about a person you have lost through either death or another circumstance like moving away, divorce, or a broken friendship can be a good topic for a personal experience essay.

Often, we learn a lot as we think about these experiences of loss and I've often found that writing about this type of topic can be not only meaningful to students but also healing. Question: What would be a good way to write about a coup d'etat that I have experienced? Answer: Start with your feelings about your country before this event, or with your feelings right now. Then go to the event and conclude with how this even affected your life and also your country for better or worse. Hi Vanessa, everything you need to write your essay is here on my website. I have over articles that explain how to pick a good topic, how to write your thesis and outline and how to give good examples. You will learn and get better in English if you apply yourself and practice!

Here is an idea for your essay: start with a story in the present about a problem you encounter in the class, such as a student who is having trouble learning the material or a discipline problem. In the next few paragraphs, give examples from your past teaching that show how you have learned to handle this sort of problem. Then conclude the essay with a paragraph showing how your continuing experiences make you realize that you can overcome this current situation and will become even better as you continue to teach. I just need help to write an essay for my experience in teaching in the past,present and future. My english are no perfect if your willing to help me with. Im willing to learned from you. Hi, Ronald-The best topic is something that you know the meaning of easily, but not something that makes you very emotional, or which is hard to talk about.

Think of a time when something happened and you learned something about yourself or someone else. Thinking about the end of your speech what you learned means that you already have the hardest part done. Hi what is the best topic to write an personal speech and i'll perform it in my teachers and in my classmates. Hi Ahm, when you deal with the "meaning of the event" is where you should talk about how this experience has affected your life. Generally, you would want to explain the meaning and how it changed you. As far as how long this part should be, I would advise you to give enough detail so that the reader understands the changes it made to you but avoid being overly personal about things you may not want everyone to know or which might reflect badly on another person.

Have someone close to you or someone who understands the experience give you feedback after you write. Do you have any tips for how can I write a personal account of how the ordeal has affected my life? Hi, Jorge--I actually have over different articles about writing posted on Letterpile and HubPages, so generally you can find what you are looking for if you search for it. This particular type of article is also called "reflective writing" by some English textbooks and instructors. which focuses on the example and gives you a full essay. This is like watching a video about making a soufflé and only hearing people describe how it tastes or how hard it was to make.

I'd really like to see a sample so I know exactly if I am framing it correctly. Do I write it like an editorial? Do I write it like a 3rd grader? I get it. This is the main goal of a writer. And as I trod through this difficult path today, I make sure that this goal is always there in order to serve as my guide. A guide throughout the whole experience, for the past, the present, and future. Essay Basics can be a part of your academic journey if you let us. Advantages of our essay writing service beat any other essay company offers in the industry. Buy Essay Pay For Essay Write My Essay Homework Writing Help Essay Editing Service Thesis Writing Help Write My College Essay Do My Essay Term Paper Writing Service Coursework Writing Service Write My Research Paper Assignment Writing Help Essay Writing Help.

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